by Don Polson Red
Bluff Daily News 10/15/2013
Liars cannot be talked to, reasoned with
Tonight’s Tea Party Patriots meeting will host
Supervisor Bob Williams, giving attendees his take on issues facing the county.
Questions will be welcomed; light refreshments provided; newcomers warmly
received. It’s at the Westside Grange, 6 PM.
Unless unlikely events transpire between Sunday and
Monday, this column will find a yet-partially-shut federal government. Sunday
talkers’ words will have amounted to so much hot air; and more disgustingly
slanted political cartoons will appear on this page. Such cartoons, broadly
reflective of the leftist bias of their creators, are a sharp political stick
in the eye of this county’s majority Republican voters.
Whether we read more of the sort of rhetoric I
condemned last week remains to be seen. Using the word “terrorist” to castigate
the Tea Party is libelous (Webster’s: “statement in writing that may unjustly
hurt a reputation”), even a “blood libel.” Terrorists kill, maim and torture
innocent people; it is a perfidious lie to write such twaddle. Such a writer
likely spent too many hours absorbing unintelligent, hysterical character
assassination from the loons at MSNBC: Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, Al Franken,
Rachel Maddow, and their ilk. My words last week still hold that “such flaming
verbal garbage has become routine for the Republican-and-Tea-Party-hating
left.” If the shoe fits … as they say.
For my part, I offer photo-shopped verbiage from a
National Park Service sign on the fence in front of the Lincoln Memorial: “Dear
America, Go f*** yourselves. –The Administration” Frankly, I think it’s far
closer to the truth than calling the Tea Party “terrorists.”
Correcting misinformation (fallacious, phony and
disingenuous arguments) is necessary; often, the truth is simply overwhelmed by
the legion of lies in the public airwaves and awareness. An online commenter
(who a month ago “questioned the patriotism of those that display disrespect for
our President”) ignorantly stated that “Republicans do not get to pick and
choose which laws to fund …” Republicans don’t, but it’s utterly false to deny
the absolute Constitutional duties in Article I, Section 7: “All Bills for
raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives …”
Because, Constitutionally, all Representatives are
elected every two years, the House was considered the ultimate, most immediate
control of what the people wanted their federal government to spend hard-earned
tax money on. James Madison, Federalist #58: “The House of Representatives
cannot only refuse, but they alone can propose, the supplies requisite for the
support of government. They, in a word, hold the purse, that powerful
instrument (for) finally reducing … all the overgrown prerogatives of the other
branches of the government.”
The voters, having historically swept the Republicans
into control of the House in 2010 over Obamacare, and keeping them in charge in
2012, have given arguable approval to Republican attempts to stop Obamacare.
Political authority, however, may be fleeting when public opinion and next
year’s elections are concerned. I see a massive rejection of Democrats coming,
but I’ve been wrong before.
Republicans should assume the fighting posture of
Senators Cruz, Paul, Lee and Rubio all the way to 2016. The people will reward
strong, principled stands that clearly state the benefits of fiscally prudent,
conservative, free-market solutions to all of our problems. Remember, no Congress can bind a future
Congress—there are no laws that cannot be repealed; Americans aren’t required
to endlessly fund follies established by previous Congresses.
To hear Democrats, you’d think they’ve never attached
“non-budget items” to the debt ceiling (Obama’s claim) or shut the government
down over policy differences. Au contraire. Democrats have been the primary
manipulators of the debt ceiling to attach and advance their pet legislation:
“In 1973, when Richard Nixon was president, Democrats in the Senate … sought to
attach a campaign finance reform bill to the debt ceiling … . (Kowalcky and
LeLoup) wrote, in a comprehensive study of the debt limit, of the genesis
during that time of a pattern becoming full blown in the mid-1970s and 1980s:
the use of the debt ceiling vote as a vehicle for other legislative matters.”
“In 1982, Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker
unleashed a free-for-all by allowing 1,400 nongermane amendments to the debt
ceiling legislation (bringing weeks of raucous debate) on limiting federal
court jurisdiction over school prayer and busing …” In 1980, President Jimmy
Carter’s energy policy oil import fee was overturned by a bipartisan veto
override at the risk of default. (Washington Post’s “fact-checker,” Glenn
Kessler gave Obama “Four Pinocchios” for his claim in September) Yes, that
makes Obama, by definition, a big, fat, liar. The “When Government Worked”
theme is belied by the seven shutdowns brought about by Tip O’Neill under
Ronald Reagan.
Republicans have voted to fund virtually every element
of the federal government that has been in the news; Obama has signed some of
them (i.e. D.C. funding). Harry Reid and Obama alone have said no to funding
bills. They’re intentionally creating the “crisis” that Rahm Emmanuel
infamously stated “should not go to waste”; their agenda is eliminating any
effective opposition to unlimited growth of the benefit-distributing,
tax-hiking, borrowing-to-oblivion, all-powerful collectivist central state.
Republicans are the only thing standing in the way; people throwing bricks from
the sidelines should “lead, follow or get out of the way.”
“You can’t meet brazen liars with reasonable
argument.” (David Gelernter)
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