*UPDATED* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far by John Nolte
***Updated 11/21/2011– Today we hit incident 320
New commentary has been added. Original commentary can be found below the Rap Sheet.
Don’t let the MSM get away with lying to you. Obama and the Democrats are all on record endorsing, embracing, encouraging and emboldening #OccupyWallStreet.
The hope was that by repeating this message incessantly, enough voters could be convinced that Wall Street, and by extension, evil Republicans, were to blame for our chronic unemployment, record deficits, and stillborn economic growth. President Obama who?
Recently, President Obama said that the Occupiers are just like the Tea Party.
That’s a lie.
We need to keep this list updated and comprehensive. Please email whatever I might have missed and any future incidents to jnolte@breitbart.com or tweet them to @NolteNC.
One of the secret weapons the corrupt mainstream media uses in their never-ending quest to Palace Guard for the left is context. For example, when it came to the Tea Party, the MSM was notorious for amplifying a single incident (that was usually a lie) and using it to attempt to smear and define an entire movement. This is what you do when you want to quickly take out a political enemy.
The MSM’s contextual game changes, however, when their desire is to strengthen a movement and give it credibility and room to grow. By dutifully reporting individual incidents but not reporting on the growing scope and size of Occupy Wall Street lawlessness, the MSM is willfully covering up the violence, vandalism, and anti-Semitism that truly does define this movement.Moreover, by intentionally keeping the pieces of this story scattered, the MSM is allowed to have their cake and eat it too. No one can accuse them of not reporting these incidents, but by choosing not to bring the pieces together, the MSM ensures the least amount of public relations damage is done to the Occupiers.
What I’ve collected below is far from comprehensive but still shows over 75 incidents of sexual assault, violence, vandalism, anti-Semitism, extortion, perversion, and lawlessness.
The MSM could easily tell the story of how this violence-prone movement is becoming an increasing threat to our society. After all, my research below is the result of nothing more than Twitter and Google. Among others, The New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, and the LA Times have willfully chosen not to use the resources at their disposal to give the public an honest look at this growing menace. In their partisan minds, truth doesn’t trump agenda.
A few notes on the list below. Whenever possible, I traced the incident back to the original news source. I was as careful as possible when it came to duplicate postings, though I would guess there are a few in here. There are also less than five examples that don’t involve what I would qualify as outright lawlessness but do help to expose the Occupiers for who and what they really are. Finally, and this is the most important way in which the list is imperfect, I most certainly wasn’t able to document everything. A perfect list would be much more alarming than the one I slapped together in just a few hours.
What is true is that on October 18, pollster Doug Schoen (a Democrat!) discovered that a full 31% of Occupiers were willing to commit violence in pursuit of their agenda, whatever that is. As a response to this startling and frightening admission, the MSM either outright ignored or dismissed it. What you’ll see below proves that at least when it comes to their willingness to break the law, the Occupiers are keeping their word.
The list is in no particular order. Like the Occupiers themselves, it’s unruly, disorganized, messy and not focused solely on the nation’s media centers. The movement is spreading across America and bringing with it their outrageous and appalling behavior.
On top of everything else, imagine the drain all this lawlessness has on law enforcement resources. My list doesn’t even include the collateral damage. Thanks to Occupy Wall Street’s drain on police personnel, shootings increased 154% in New York alone. What is it in Chicago, Seattle, Boston, Oakland, and Cleveland?
Just last week Vice President Joe Biden was all freaked out about the possibility of crime rates increasing if Congress didn’t pass Obama’s Son of Stimulus. Well, that premise was based on a lie, but the same White House trying to sell that bill of bull isn’t at all concerned with the very real increase in crime caused by the Occupiers they encourage.
Please keep the tips coming. Email me at jnolte@breitbart.com.
New commentary has been added. Original commentary can be found below the Rap Sheet.
Don’t let the MSM get away with lying to you. Obama and the Democrats are all on record endorsing, embracing, encouraging and emboldening #OccupyWallStreet.
The plan was a simple one. The path to Obama’s second term requires that enough voters forget that our current economic woes are the fault of a failed President who enjoyed two years of having every single item on his wish-list passed by Congress. And so the idea was to create Occupy in order to give the MSM the cover they desired to spend every single day up until the election talking about greed and income inequality in order to blame both for the stagnant economy.The hope was that by repeating this message incessantly, enough voters could be convinced that Wall Street, and by extension, evil Republicans, were to blame for our chronic unemployment, record deficits, and stillborn economic growth. President Obama who?
Fortunately for America, this plan has not only failed miserably it has backfired completely. Thanks to the rise of New Media and our unwillingness to let the MSM’s lies, bias, and cover ups stand for even one more day, Occupy is in its death throes and might take the President and Democratic party down with it. First and foremost, we uncovered the lie that Occupy was grassroots and then we exposed every Occupy rape, poop, death, overdose, old woman thrown down the stairs, attack on a police officer, and public act of masturbation. In the process, public opinion turned against the Occupiers and as a result these Leftists have started doing what the Left always does when they lose … have a tantrum: (use link to see over 300 reports of crime/sex/drugs/aberrant behavior, etc) http://biggovernment.com/jjmnolte/2011/10/28/occupywallstreet-the-rap-sheet-so-far/...
Recently, President Obama said that the Occupiers are just like the Tea Party.
That’s a lie.
We need to keep this list updated and comprehensive. Please email whatever I might have missed and any future incidents to jnolte@breitbart.com or tweet them to @NolteNC.
One of the secret weapons the corrupt mainstream media uses in their never-ending quest to Palace Guard for the left is context. For example, when it came to the Tea Party, the MSM was notorious for amplifying a single incident (that was usually a lie) and using it to attempt to smear and define an entire movement. This is what you do when you want to quickly take out a political enemy.
The MSM’s contextual game changes, however, when their desire is to strengthen a movement and give it credibility and room to grow. By dutifully reporting individual incidents but not reporting on the growing scope and size of Occupy Wall Street lawlessness, the MSM is willfully covering up the violence, vandalism, and anti-Semitism that truly does define this movement.Moreover, by intentionally keeping the pieces of this story scattered, the MSM is allowed to have their cake and eat it too. No one can accuse them of not reporting these incidents, but by choosing not to bring the pieces together, the MSM ensures the least amount of public relations damage is done to the Occupiers.
What I’ve collected below is far from comprehensive but still shows over 75 incidents of sexual assault, violence, vandalism, anti-Semitism, extortion, perversion, and lawlessness.
The MSM could easily tell the story of how this violence-prone movement is becoming an increasing threat to our society. After all, my research below is the result of nothing more than Twitter and Google. Among others, The New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, and the LA Times have willfully chosen not to use the resources at their disposal to give the public an honest look at this growing menace. In their partisan minds, truth doesn’t trump agenda.
A few notes on the list below. Whenever possible, I traced the incident back to the original news source. I was as careful as possible when it came to duplicate postings, though I would guess there are a few in here. There are also less than five examples that don’t involve what I would qualify as outright lawlessness but do help to expose the Occupiers for who and what they really are. Finally, and this is the most important way in which the list is imperfect, I most certainly wasn’t able to document everything. A perfect list would be much more alarming than the one I slapped together in just a few hours.
What is true is that on October 18, pollster Doug Schoen (a Democrat!) discovered that a full 31% of Occupiers were willing to commit violence in pursuit of their agenda, whatever that is. As a response to this startling and frightening admission, the MSM either outright ignored or dismissed it. What you’ll see below proves that at least when it comes to their willingness to break the law, the Occupiers are keeping their word.
The list is in no particular order. Like the Occupiers themselves, it’s unruly, disorganized, messy and not focused solely on the nation’s media centers. The movement is spreading across America and bringing with it their outrageous and appalling behavior.
On top of everything else, imagine the drain all this lawlessness has on law enforcement resources. My list doesn’t even include the collateral damage. Thanks to Occupy Wall Street’s drain on police personnel, shootings increased 154% in New York alone. What is it in Chicago, Seattle, Boston, Oakland, and Cleveland?
Just last week Vice President Joe Biden was all freaked out about the possibility of crime rates increasing if Congress didn’t pass Obama’s Son of Stimulus. Well, that premise was based on a lie, but the same White House trying to sell that bill of bull isn’t at all concerned with the very real increase in crime caused by the Occupiers they encourage.
Please keep the tips coming. Email me at jnolte@breitbart.com.
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