Wednesday, March 16, 2011

People Are Starting To Notice--O's numbers resume slide

People Are Starting To Notice  by John Hinderacker/Powerline

Recent poll data suggest that Americans have woken up to the fact that Barack Obama is an empty suit, and the Democrats have nothing to offer in terms of policy solutions. First, President Obama.

Today's Rasmussen Reports finds that among likely voters, President Obama has matched his lowest standing ever. He now ranks at -22 on the Approval Index, defined as the difference between those who strongly approve and strongly disapprove of his performance:
Rasmussen also finds that the voters' preference for Republicans over Democrats is growing, as the current generic Congressional preference survey has Republicans ahead by 46-37. Oh, and 62 percent favor repeal of Obamacare, nearly the highest percentage yet recorded.

Other pollsters are finding evidence of growing pessimism among Americans. Remarkably, the ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that Americans are less confident in "our system of government and how well it works" than at any time since the question was first asked in 1974. Worse, in other words, than in the aftermath of Watergate and than at any time during the Carter administration. And, for good measure, 71 percent "report financial hardship as a result of rising gas prices." Shades of the 1970s, only worse; and we have, effectively, no president.

In polls, people tend to cast blame indiscriminately, but when they actually vote, matters are often clarified. Thus, several readers pointed out the result of an election in Dade County, where an overwhelming 88 percent voted to recall Mayor Carlos Alvarez because he raised taxes in order to fund a 3 percent increase in wages for public employees. Alvarez reportedly is the first public official to be recalled since Gray Davis, but one suspects there are more to come, and soon. Let's hope this sends a message to politicians in Wisconsin.

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