Sunday, June 6, 2010

O didn't cause spill; is causing spill on shore

Three Weeks Of Obama Dithering: How Much Oil Will Hit The Beaches As A Result?  by: Hugh Hewitt

Yesterday Team Obama finally approved Bobby Jindal's plan to build miles of berms of dredged sand to stop the oil from getting to the wetlands of Louisiana.

The permit to build and the order to have BP pay were requested from the feds on May 11.

It took three weeks of increasing pressure and media attention to finally push the president to act --three weeks when the construction could have been underway.

The Washington Post report on this fiasco is a model of covering the president's backside.

First, look in vain for details on when the application was made and on the waffling that followed.

Then, read this line from today's WaPo story with the knowledge that the feds approved funding for 2% of the berms on Friday May 28: "The Army Corps of Engineers issued six permits in late May to build up about 50 of the 100 miles of barrier islands requested by Louisiana."

When that first "decision" issued "in late May," e.g. last Friday, Louisiana Senator David Vitter called that bureaucratic dodge "outrageous," and a "thinly veiled 'no'," and it was because while there was an "approval" designed to suck in fawning MSMers, there was no order to pay. The pressure didn't relent, and the president caved yesterday.

The tale of Obama's paralysis on the berms is a fascinating one, and since it underscores and illustrates the Administration's ineptitude on all aspects of the Gulf spill, it has been told poorly if at all by the MSM.

The MSM is still covering for the president and his woeful inability to focus on the problem and push every available federal resource and official into action mode.

If Bobby Jindal and the Louisiana delegation hadn't been pounding away the berms would never have gotten underway. Now watch that space and see how quickly the president can follow through on the plan that took three critical weeks to approve.

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