Monday, February 22, 2010

Of course they didn't really mean any of it!

Pay-Go a No-Go on 'Jobs' Bill - Daniel Foster - The Corner on National Review Online

New “Pay-Go” spending rules — which would require Congress to offset new spending with tax increases or cuts elsewhere — that were signed into law just last week are already being side-stepped by Congressional Democrats eager to pass a second stimulus bill.

Democrats are strongly leaning toward passing new extensions of unemployment and COBRA insurance as "emergency spending" measures exempt from pay-as-you-go:

“Assistance to unemployed workers during periods of high unemployment are always classified as emergencies,” a House Democratic leadership aide said. “That’s why they were done that way under the [House] jobs bill passed in December — while everything else in the bill was paid for.”

All told, about half of the House jobs bill would be paid for as emergency spending — with the rest financed by redirected TARP funds.

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