Thursday, October 8, 2009

Union hack-in-chief at 1600 Pennsylvania

"Obama, labor's lackey--The president's bias toward unions is bad for the country."
By Matthew Continetti October 7, 2009

"President Obama says the big problem in Washington is that politicians focus on pleasing special interests at the expense of the general public. But his curious definition of "special interests" exempts one key political force: organized labor.

"Even during a recession, the public is ambivalent toward organized labor. In September, a Gallup poll found that 48% of Americans approved of unions. This was an 11-point drop from the previous year's approval rating and the lowest recorded since Gallup started asking the question in 1936. In 2008, just 12% of all workers belonged to unions, and the number of unionized private-sector employees was even smaller, at 7.6%.

"So why, then, does organized labor hold more political power today than it has in decades?

"In part, it's thanks to Obama. The president has put on his Santa Claus cap and lavished unions with gift after gift. Days after taking office, he issued three executive orders reversing Bush-era labor policies. In February, he approved a stimulus bill that contained "buy American" provisions. In a move that would have made Jimmy Hoffa proud, the $400-billion omnibus spending bill that Obama signed into law in March eliminated funding for pilot programs allowing Mexican trucks in the United States as mandated by the North American Free Trade Agreement..."

The rest is absolute must read if you care about free enterprise:,0,2141103.story

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