Some of the liberal media has been engaging in this farcical game of claiming that there is "no evidence" that Joe Biden did anything wrong in terms of the Biden family business scandal.
But when a reporter tried to pull that on Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) as GOP members were talking about House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's call for an impeachment inquiry, Perry was having none of that and he torched the reporter in response.
The reporter's question showed the bias, asking about "actual evidence" and that it was "for the sake of....enacting political revenge for the impeachment of Donald Trump?"
First, Perry made the point that there was evidence, and he outlined just a fraction of what they have. "Oh, I don't know," he said sarcastically. Then he went to town.
Perry immediately shut Kennedy down, declaring, "This isn’t about political revenge. We have the bank accounts. We can see – ma’am – you can see that the homes that the Bidens own can’t be afforded on a congressional or a Senate salary."
He continued: "You also understand that it’s not normal for family members to receive millions of dollars from overseas interests. Those things aren’t normal. That’s not normal to have 20 shell companies. These things are not normal, and it alludes to not only just widespread corruption, but money laundering, if not influence-peddling itself."
Perry also noted how they had Joe Biden admitting himself that he got the prosecutor fired. And the prosecutor's firing is just a small fraction of the evidence of his involvement in the "Biden family business."
Perry also shot down the reporter about how she and others in the media haven't been reporting on all the evidence that has come out on Biden. Indeed, many of them just continue to parrot the Democratic line about "no evidence." Perry told the reporter, "Because you don’t report on it.."
But beyond that, the reporter is also wrong because as we noted a few days ago, polls show that the American people do get that something stinks here with Joe Biden and the Biden family business scandal.
A new poll from CNN confirms the worst for the president: A majority of Americans believe that he, as Barack Obama's Vice President, was involved with Hunter's business. And it's not a slight majority, either - 61 percent believe he was at least somewhat involved and 55 percent say he has acted inappropriately during the investigation.
No evidence, except the bank accounts, the texts, the emails, the witnesses.
But this is what the Democrats and media would like to sell. Perry effectively shot that down and the American people already know that this is a garbage take. And it's going to get worse for Biden, Democrats, and media when even more attention is focused on the evidence during the impeachment inquiry.
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