Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Don's Tuesday Column

           THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson  Red Bluff Daily News   9/01/2021

  Newsom out; Larry Elder in for CA

Regarding W.H. Occupant Joe Biden, polling not only shows him solidly losing to Donald J. Trump in a rematch, but also that 1 in 5 Democrats regret voting for the Prevaricator-in-Chief. “Act in haste, repent in leisure”; in this case, Dems would have to repent for over 4 years of phony outrage, fabricated and “trumped up” charges, baseless impeachments and investigations, and media lies. More on the nearly-treasonous abomination that unfolded at Biden’s instruction in Afghanistan below.

However, the task at hand: removing yet another duplicitous, misguided, hypocritical, self-styled elitist despot, Governor Gavin Newsom. While Republicans Kevin Kiley and Kevin Faulconer would be fine replacements, my money is on radio host, author and conservative Republican Larry Elder.

Replacing Gov. “Hair Gel” Newsom is only a first step to saving California, and America, from the progressive nightmare of high taxes/welfare/homelessness/crime, and out-migration of our most productive people. Putting a fluent communicator of principled, traditional, America-and-law-enforcement-first beliefs will help bring about much needed further political realignment—benefiting all not just the coastal elites.

The squealing from the Dem/media/political cabal has the LA Times so apoplectic as to tar Elder, a black conservative, as “the black face of white supremacy.” Unhinged a bit? 

Don’t forget hypocrite Newsom’s “French Laundry” (restaurant for the rich) dinner with a mask-less, close crowd of fellow elitists. Meanwhile, his “subjects” were being harassed and hunkered down in forced “stay home” and mandatory mask orders, even alone in outdoor parks and forbidden beaches.

“He sent his own children to private school for in-person instruction even as he forced millions of less fortunate kids to learn from home. He repeatedly blamed the people of California for the spread of the virus even as he asked them to make pointless sacrifices not linked to public health. He spoke of equity and inclusiveness while taking actions that were an assault on those values.” (“Recall Gavin Newsom: The Case Against America’s Most Corrupt Governor,” Kevin Kiley)

Newsom presided over, and has done little to fix, unemployment fraud—see “CA EDD Fraud Has Now Reached 9 BILLION, With International Crime Syndicates In The Mix,” by Jennifer O'Connell, Jan 16, 2021).

Newsom signed the abominable AB5 into law, forcing formerly independent contractors into “employment” arrangements they didn’t want, while he used that same Employment Development Department as an enforcement arm to retroactively fine and bilk money from independent professionals and small businesses.

Unfortunately, “Keep” (Newsom in office) has a 10 percent edge over “Remove” in polling averages (53% to 42.6%, 538.com). We are but a rounding error compared to LA. Still, polls don’t predict, just (often erroneously) show a current picture. “Big Bucks” Union, Hollywood and Silicon Valley money will flood into marketing, direct mail, online ads, radio and TV (Google is helping).

The shameless use of “the power of his office to save his own hide helps explain why at least 1.7 million Californians of all political backgrounds want him gone.”

Newsom: “Everybody outside this state is bitching about this state because of our success!” (interview with Sacramento Bee editorial board); “The besieged governor lost his cool after reporters pointed out how bad things have gotten in California under his leadership (and full Democrat control) related to crime, homelessness, high taxes and unemployment, …Newsom went on a whiny, unhinged rant… slamming his hand on the desk nearly 60 times, finger-wagging and arms flailing” (thegatewaypundit.com, 8/11).

“Gavin Newsom Blames Everyone Else for His Recall. Here Are 100 Reasons That Might Jog His Memory,” by Victoria Taft, 8/23, starts off with a few “top hits”: No new water storage; Fires directly magnified by forest neglect; Housing made unaffordable due to regulations and mandates; Homelessness encouraged by “open arms” non-enforcement, i.e. drug laws; Schools run by and for unions, depriving kids of learning; EDD scandal; “No bid” contracts for political insider/contributors; Billions for low-output “green energy,” making “brownouts,” and heat/AC shutdowns normal—while decommissioning reliable nuclear energy. Recall—yes.

Biden’s “cluster (flop)”—ignominious bugging out of Afghanistan, leaving $80 billion of military assets, 200+ Americans, thousands of Afghan partners and allies, and celebratory Taliban victors—has interrupted the media’s Biden boosterism. The media narrative now shifts away from such embarrassments, to Ida, abortion, gun violence and the (non) insurrection on Jan. 6. We owe it to the fallen, the injured and the hostages, to tell the truth.

The reality: Biden chose to ignore the May 31 deadline, in favor of a Sept. 11 withdrawal as a “Mission Accomplished” moment to “end” the Afghan war, without an acceptance of that “end” by the Taliban. Unlike Trump, Biden imposed no retaliation for their attacks and violations of agree-upon promises not to overrun provincial capitals.

Nonetheless, while the Taliban advanced and Afghan units were denied air support and intelligence assistance, Biden prioritized abandoning Bagram Air Base, which supported Afghan military fighting for their lives.

“Exclusive: In secret texts, U.S. military officials lamented leaving Americans behind in Kabul—'We are f*cking abandoning American citizens,’ Army colonel wrote in a frantic series of texts that detail how a group of Americans were rejected at airport as rescue flight awaited.”

“Former British commander in Afghanistan calls Biden's exit the greatest disaster since World War II—'It basically ceded a huge amount of authority and power and influence in the world from the West to the authoritarian states,’ retired colonel says.”

Biden Intentionally Hid Afghanistan's Instability From Congress Before His Hasty, Humiliating, and Deadly Retreat,” by Matt Margolis, 9/02, pjmedia.com. Biden asked, in 14-minute phone call, Afghan President Ghani to misrepresent the encroaching Taliban onslaught as under control.

“The Myth of Biden’s Empathy”: his abandonment of Americans and Afghan allies, his disconnect with families who’ve lost loved ones; his angry demand that we accept his version of that fiasco. Biden: It’s their own fault (Americans left behind).

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