Saturday, August 28, 2021

America Is Now Actually the Mess Dems Pretended It Was Under Trump

America Is Now Actually the Mess Dems Pretended It Was Under Trump

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Long before Donald Trump even had the chance to take office, we were constantly assured by Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media that the United States as we knew it was pretty much toast.

It began on election night 2016. I stayed up until about six in the morning on the west coast watching both CNN and MSNBC (one on my television and one on my phone) melting down over Trump’s victory. In no uncertain terms, the talking heads at each network repeated the dire warning that a Trump victory meant certain doom for the American stock market. It was the first of about a million things they got wrong. Trump’s economy was humming along in overdrive until the Wuhan lab let the bat go free.

Objectively, the first three years of the Trump era were damned good ones for the republic. Unfortunately, American Democrats all live on a subjective moon that orbits a navel-gazing planet. Rather than just sit back and enjoy all of the peace and prosperity that President Trump helped bring about, all they could do was rend their garments over the fact that he had dared to defeat the least likable presidential candidate in history fairly and squarely.

Were you, however, to have been a regular consumer of the mainstream media in the United States of America, all you read or heard was that this great land had been ruined forever by ORANGE MAN BAD.

The MSM kept the fever-pitch wailing going all day and night while Trump was in office. There was nothing that was reality-based that fit their narrative, so they lied all the time, especially about Russia. They breathlessly “reported” an avalanche of anonymously sourced anti-Trump garbage every day. From almost the moment that Trump got in office, I enjoyed the way he punched back at them.

The only real chaos during the Trump years happened in 2020, obviously, and it wasn’t his doing. The pandemic threw everything into a tizzy, including election integrity. Now we’re seven months into a nightmare brought on by Democrat opportunists who ran over dead bodies just so they could point back and use them as excuses to obliterate any semblance of transparency in an American presidential election.

The result of that is that we are now actually living in the hellscape that American leftists kept falsely claiming was a reality during Trump’s presidency. Joe Biden’s brief tenure as occupier of the Oval Office has been a bigger threat to Americans than our enemies could have dreamt of being less than a year ago.

I had the idea for this column almost three weeks ago, well before the nightmare in Afghanistan began unfolding. I started it, then set it aside for reasons I don’t even remember now. As the situation in Afghanistan worsened, I decided to let it sit for several more days just to see what happened.

We were already in a bad place as a country before the Taliban effortlessly waltzed across Afghanistan and erased 20 years of effort and sacrifice by the United States and our allies. Of course, the MSM wouldn’t agree with that. They were busy pretending that President Empty Shell was kicking butt.

What has happened in the days since the Taliban arrived in Kabul has been such an unmitigated disaster that it almost feels like something possessed Biden’s hollow husk and tried to impress upon his lackeys in the MSM just how truly callous and incompetent he is, and has always been. It took mere days before even his most biased and staunch advocates in the Democrat Media Complex began turning on him.

If they were real journalists, they’d have begun their changes of heart when Biden’s profligate spending of Monopoly money began driving inflation ever upward and making the electorate skittish.

Democrats loved to tell us that our friends around the world didn’t respect us when Trump was president. Well, he was never held in contempt by the British Parliament.

In reality, the worst thing that ever happened to Trump haters while he was president was that he said and tweeted mean things. America was in great shape.

Again, we are just seven months and a handful of days into Biden’s tenure, and here’s a sampling of the havoc he has wrought:

  • Inflation is exploding
  • The peace Trump brokered in the Middle East has been destabilized
  • Our allies don’t trust us
  • Our enemies are mocking us
  • Our border with Mexico has become a porous COVID superspreader event
  • Afghanistan
  • Afghanistan
  • Afghanistan

I have always admired our pluck as a nation but I have to admit that even I feel the occasional flash of existential dread for the future of the republic. Whenever things didn’t look so good in the past I’d joke, “We survived Jimmy Carter–we’ll be fine.”

Jimmy Carter wasn’t a senile commie when he was president though. I can’t vouch for him these days.

We will survive this, of that I am still sure.

We’ll be limping for a while though.

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