Tuesday, January 26, 2021




More or less without exception each one of the executive orders promulgated by the gentleman from Madame Tussauds on January 20 belies the principles of good government, though each one in its own distinctive way. Taking the rationale of any one of them to its logical conclusion, one can infer the others and the tyrannical dystopia they mean to hang around our necks. We’re on the road to find out.

Take, for example, executive order 15 of the sad 17 (as counted out by Politico): Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation. Whether you are a man simply calling yourself a woman or a man surgically altered to simulate a woman, you are to be treated as a woman. According to the order, you have a constitutional and legal right to be treated as such.

The order explains: “Discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation manifests differently for different individuals, and it often overlaps with other forms of prohibited discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race or disability. For example, transgender Black Americans face unconscionably high levels of workplace discrimination, homelessness, and violence, including fatal violence.”

Do transgender Blacks require special legal protection from violence, including fatal violence? They may in jurisdictions where Soros approved prosecutors hold sway, but not because of “prohibited discrimination” (rather, because of the Krasner effect). We aren’t supposed to think about this too closely. We are just supposed to swallow it down.

In this case, not all blame can be attributed to the gentleman from Madam Tussauds and his handlers. The Supreme Court must take a share for its decision in Bostock v. Clay County and Congress a share for its bland complicity in the Court’s absurd misreading of federal civil rights law. What we have here is evidence that everything is broken.


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