Thursday, April 19, 2018

Showdown in November: Fearsome Blue Wave or Flaccid Democrat Failure?

Showdown in November: Fearsome Blue Wave or Flaccid Democrat Failure?

Kurt  Schlichter
Posted: Apr 16, 2018 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of
Showdown in November: Fearsome Blue Wave or Flaccid Democrat Failure?
There is a huge opinion schism between conservatives inside the Beltway who think a midterm Democrat tsunami is coming, and many conservatives outside the swamp, in America, who are not so sure. One thing is certain – the gimp box media and the left’s Fredcon enablers are working overtime to psych us out and make defeat a done deal. But nothing is a done deal. We have six months. The Republicans just need to get smart and fight.
Oh. Well, we’re doomed.
But maybe not. There’s always hope for an upset – just ask President Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit.
First, the bad news. The liberals are angry and motivated and they are clearly going to vote. 
...(the rest at link)
The danger is the other side’s base is activated, but how will the Dems activate normal voters? Democrats may have to run on the platform of “Don’t believe your lying eyes about the economy getting better – instead, let’s spend 2019 impeaching Trump for cavorting with formerly hot women over a decade ago!”
Now, impeachment is a key issue the GOP can exploit because a big part of the idiot corps that buffoons like Ted Lieu and Maxine Waters cater to is going to demand impeachment. The fact that there is no crime is irrelevant. Mueller has nothing, as we all know, and Trump is already following the strategy of taking his case against this corrupt, conflicted deep state hack to the people. James Comey’s embarrassing self-immolation is also helping defuse this bogus crisis. That Looming Doofus, with his petty whining about his hurt feelz and his mean girl snippiness, has turned himself into a punchline. “Oh, well I never bothered to tell Trump that the pee pee dossier came from Hillary’s campaign because of, uh, er, integrity.”
The disgraceful violation of basic rights that was the Michael Cohen raid – hey, who needs due process or the attorney-client privilege when you’re #resisting? – showed the base what’s really going on. This is serious stuff – if these creeps retake power, what makes anyone think they will ever let it go again?
So November is more than just a political scuffle. It’s existential. When you have Democrat tech titans squealing over the thought of a “civil war” on Republicans and a leftist cultural campaign designed to drive half of the population out of the public sphere, you know it’s important. We either win in November or the most dire hypotheticals of our country being split apart or even in conflict might well migrate from the “Fiction” stacks to the “Non-Fiction” section.
Republicans, get it together. Defy our expectations. Get smart and fight.

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