By any measure, yesterday’s school walkout to end gun violence and remember the 17 precious lives lost in the Parkland school shooting was a gargantuan success. The New York Times covered it in an article “National School Walkout: Thousands Protest Against Gun Violence Across The U.S.”., the Wall Street Journal and every other major online news group covered it. Of course, the legacy media gloried in it:
First of all, to make sure everyone knows, the military does not use the AR-15 and it is not an automatic weapon. Automatic weapons were banned in 1935 and 1986.
And social media ate this up:
Not every child walked out of school. The daughter of our very own Victory Girls’ blogger Deanna Fisher wrote an account of her school day and she did not walk out. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to read it here.
I may be older than dirt, but I remember being 17 and 18 years old (f’real). We could barely organize a paper drive at that age without adult supervision. I recognize that kids today are smarter, more technologically advanced and certainly more media savvy than any past generation. I still had to wonder how these kids got this so together and promoted. In a past life, I worked in marketing and this is impressive marketing. And it is marketing no doubt.
These kids have been sold concepts that the cigarette and liquor companies have been vilified for using. They have been convinced they are smarter for believing this. They have been persuaded that they are cooler for participating. They have been assured that they are righteous in their cause.
So, just who are the wizards behind the curtain manipulating the youth of the United States of America?
Yes, they’re the ones. The very ones who brought who brought you the Pussy Hat marches with Madonna wanting to destroy the White House. The Women’s March fascists from the “Resist” movement are sponsoring and helping to market these youth rallies. Savvy marketing is their hallmark, for instance:
The Women’s March Youth EMPOWER Toolkit is an initiative of Women’s March Youth through a coalition with Peace First, Rise To Run, Teen Vogue, The Justice League NYC, The Gathering For Justice, and Rock The Vote. Women’s March EMPOWER upholds the unity principles of the Women’s March platform. Our goal is to provide young people with the tools needed to create high school and college chapters that guide students in making a positive impact in their communities. We believe that the single most powerful act we can do is prepare young people with the skills and commitments to take actions around causes that matter to them with courage, compassion and collaboration.You can visit Peace First’s website to get more support and the chance to apply for a grant of up to $250.Click here to register your EMPOWER chapter and apply for a mini-grant.
“Resist”, the Women’s March and “Rise to Run” are all about Progressive politics. Dig this from George Orwell’s 1940 review of “Mein Kampf”:
Hitler, because in his own joyless mind he feels it with exceptional strength, knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades. However they may be as economic theories, Fascism and Nazism are psychologically far sounder than any hedonistic conception of life.
The “Resist”/Women’s March Progressive crowd is playing these kids like violins. In a rudderless society, as we have become, these kids get down with the struggle and sacrifice, and did we mention loyalty parades. The cigarette and liquor companies are so jealous.
Please be aware that you have to raise your children as if you are playing chess. You must be totally plugged in and two moves ahead of them. You don’t want to raise good little fascists, do you?
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