Wednesday, December 18, 2013

RIGGING THE FUTURE: Obamacare Creates 50 New State Databases With No Function Beyond Gathering Potential Voter Information, Real or Fraudulent (part 3)

Posted By David Steinberg

Decision #5: The Illegal, Automatic Mailing of Voter Registration Forms and “Opt-Out” Forms

States were instructed that, to comply with Motor Voter, these new databases must automatically mail voter registration forms to each new individual applicant sent over from

Recall, you may have said “no” earlier. It doesn’t matter.

The new databases must also mail a second form that states “I do not wish to register to vote,” which you must sign and return.

Otherwise, it is assumed you wish to register.

If the Feds notice you still haven’t replied?

Remember Decision #4: the new databases are publicly accessible, since they do not contain any medical information.

Anyone – perhaps Organizing for Action, or Battleground Texas – can get their hands on it, and then show up at your door with yet another form.


Review the prior five decisions: are you able to determine a reasonable explanation for all five of them besides getting potential voter information in the hands of Democratic organizing groups? Groups populated by bad actors like Chris Tarango, but which nonetheless have the blessings of the administration? [5]

Recall that this is voter information gathered via Medicaid applications, a program whose recipients vote almost exclusively Democrat.

If Orwell comparisons strike you as tedious, an additional instruction to the states about how they are allowed to screen eligibility, along with the precedent-breaking, whispered demands from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that follow may have you granting an exception.

Decision #6: Eliminating the State Medicaid Screeners

For the past five decades, states have dedicated a tremendous amount of resources to providing a “second-level review” of applicant information transmitted to them via a federal agency.

But now, and quite simply, that has been ended. But only for Medicaid.

States are no longer allowed to challenge the validity of applicant information sent to them from the Medicaid side of

Instead, states are to assume that if information was transmitted to them, the federal government has deemed that information to be valid. States haven’t simply been instructed to no longer let their traditional public assistance eligibility screeners touch Medicaid information from — they have been instructed that state Medicaid agencies can’t screen it, either. This isn’t an administrative shift of the state screening processes, it’s the forbidding of state screening processes.

We already know what little concern itself has for the validity of applicant information. The site employs the “honor system” for income, the most important piece of data. Also, as previously reported at PJ Media, the Medicaid side of allows anyone on Earth to secure at least 90 days of Medicaid with just two easily forged documents and a lie about being a legal alien [6].

The security bar is even lower for entrance into one of the new state “Medicaid/voter roll” databases. In fact, it’s non-existent: apply for Medicaid as a citizen, you’re going to end up in your state’s new “Medicaid/voter roll” database.

And the state is forbidden from checking the application’s validity.


This development represents an endpoint, with identifiable products of those six federal decisions. The products are:

  • Fifty unscreened databases, accessible to all, of identifying information of likely Democratic voters.

  • Fifty databases of likely Democratic voters, which automatically mail voter registration forms and required “opt-out” forms to each applicant.

What is the rational result of these two final products following their implementation?

  • The Democratic Party exploiting a federal law passed without a single Republican vote, a law that mandates citizen participation, a law that mandates citizens purchase a product to sustain the law financially, to produce an unbeatable tool to utilize for winning elections.

  • Bad actors within the Democratic Party, both within and outside of government, using this tool to easily commit voter fraud.

  • An organized entity hostile to the United States exploiting the massive security holes created by this Democratic law to flood the Medicaid rolls with fraudulent enrollees, rendering the massive program database unusable.

  • An organized entity hostile to the United States exploiting the massive security holes created by this Democratic law to flood the voter rolls with fraudulent identities, rendering the administration of elections impossible.

To employ an example from our prior article on fraudulent 90-day Medicaid enrollments:

  1. Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, from a computer in Pakistan, can tell that his income this year is zero.
  2. He will be directed to the Medicaid side of the website, where he can claim to be an American citizen temporarily living abroad.
  3. He can enter the address of his local post office.
  4. Al-Zawahiri will have himself a voter registration card arrive shortly.
  5. He can instruct his millions of supporters to do the same.

If was actually working, al-Qaeda could get that done by the weekend.


How did the Obama administration accomplish this? Where’s the paper trail? Aren’t there established processes for the development and implementation of rules and regulations applying to a federal bill, and aren’t all of those deliberations required to be publicly released?

Yes. But in perhaps the Obama administration’s worst “fumble,” they bypassed just about the entire rule-issuance process.

Decision #7: Breaking All the Rules

In Part Two of this article, to be published following the Thanksgiving holiday, we will discuss how the federal government’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, acted in a precedence-shattering, secretive manner in issuing orders to state Medicaid agencies regarding how to construct the databases.

We will also discuss the massive security holes created by the allowance of “telephonic signature,” and the secretaries of State who were left completely in the dark.

We will link, post, and discuss the paper trail — and who was involved.

And we will discuss the George Soros-funded Demos organization, which helped push the “opt-out” approach to Motor Voter, and which happened to be one of the few entities that had any knowledge of the new databases.

Indeed, they happened to have enough knowledge regarding the databases to prepare and publish a report containing state-by-state strategies for taking advantage of them.

Article printed from PJ Media:

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URLs in this post:
[1] malevolent figures like Chris Tarango:

[2] This all-important piece of data is accepted by on the “honor system.”:

[3] 1993 National Voter Registration Act, or “Motor Voter,”:

[4] Rhode Island:

[5] Groups populated by bad actors like Chris Tarango, but which nonetheless have the blessings of the administration?:

[6] as previously reported at PJ Media, the Medicaid side of allows anyone on Earth to secure at least 90 days of Medicaid with just two easily forged documents and a lie about being a legal alien:

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