THE WAY I SEE IT by Don Polson Red Bluff Daily News 3/06/2013
O-bots, move along, nothing to read here
Fair warning: If you light your votive candles under a fading Obama poster with his gaze fixed above you, the lowly subject; if news is whatever emits from the mouths of MSNBC’s lineup of left wing loons and moon bats (the likes of Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton have spewed conservative-and-Tea-Party-hating garbage long enough to have earned my name-calling many times over); if you love the pompous, booming sound of President Obama’s voice (yelling, always yelling) – then your equanimity would be best served skipping this column in it’s entirety.
The titles of the articles I’ve posted at “Polecat News and Views” (, under the “budget” label (cross listed under “Obama,” “lying liars”), help you understand the phoniest, the most reprehensible act of mis-governance by a president that I have ever seen in my life or in history. “The President is Raging Against a Budget Crisis He Created,” “Obama: Fear the Sequester Cuts!” Then there’s “Obama and the Sequester Scare; Governing isn’t about blaming someone else – it is about choosing,” “How defense spending will grow under sequester cuts,” “5 Sequester Facts to Know Before Committing Suicide” and “The sequester is a bad idea whose time has come,” all searchable by title.
For this columnist, writing on budget and sequester-related topics is an idea whose time has come, given another writer’s near-obsession with regurgitating Obama-crat propaganda and talking points. Further writing on useless gun laws and the hypocrisy of “left of center” writers can wait; murderers inspired by liberals will also wait for another column. The truth about this entire Obama-constructed and manipulated “fiscal crisis” should boil our collective, figurative blood.
Another excellent and revealing article is “President Obama’s Legacy: Government Greed; Americans know that at least 3 percent of federal spending is wasteful” by Gov. Bobby Jindal. As of Feb. 28, Obama and his cabinet secretaries continued to drum into everyone’s minds what dire consequences await us upon the sequestration cuts to come. “You’ve heard them – no vaccinations for children, teachers losing their jobs, less security from terrorist attacks, longer wait times at airports, and fewer food inspections. Now there are even reports that government officials are releasing hundreds of immigrants from deportation centers. What’s next? … Open the federal prison doors? This is silly.”
Actually, it is the furthest thing from silly. When you consider (from “5 sequester facts …) 1. The cuts are tiny, only $44 billion in this fiscal year (CBO); 2. Spending is still going up! From $3.5 trillion in 2012 up to $3.6 trillion this year with the “cuts”; 3. The Pentagon won’t starve, having doubled its budget over the last 10 years; 4. You can’t cut nonexistent programs! Obama’s OMB moans that all of $2 million will be cut from the $20 million budget for the National Drug Intelligence Center, which closed it doors last June.
Most crucial to affixing blame: It was made painstakingly clear in Bob Woodward’s writing (book and WSJ column) that Obama personally changed the deal he made over the debt limit with Republicans in 2011, insisting on more tax hikes (what can’t they fix, right?). He insisted on these “draconian” automatic cuts with the full intention that he would ultimately unleash the entire governmental, activist, media and party apparatus to wail mercilessly on the only opposition yet remaining to Obama’s tax-grab-and-rule in Washington: those evil, wascally, Republicans.
Have your news sources told you that Obama is on video record warning Congress that he would veto any attempt to restore the sequester cuts? That Republicans in Congress have passed multiple solutions to spread the agreed upon cuts in reasonable, equitable ways? That Senate Democrats haven’t had any interest in taking up or voting on those solutions? That Obama has refused to even consider accepting Congressional authorization to make cuts based on his judgment and determination?
He got tax hikes that hit not only the very rich but also every income level. It won’t be enough! It will never be enough! Obamacrats will never be satisfied until everyone’s taxes are appropriately burdensome so as to fund every liberal, “collectivist” dream they can conjure up. Obama is a collectivist out of his own mouth multiple times (i.e. State of the Union). Local apologists for the President and his party will be incapable of refuting any of this, but will surely blather on about “extremist” Republicans and the Tea Party (fiscal responsibility: “extremist”) or will revert to tired, disingenuous Bush-bashing.
So, here’s what fries my grits, so to speak: Witness local Lassen Park officials telling us they won’t be able to open the campgrounds we all own at normal camping dates, or senior program administrators in Bend, Oregon, warning of cuts to the meals that the elderly depend on, or the literally hundreds of other governmental mouthpieces spreading the same doom-and-gloom message so Congressional Republicans will relent and raise taxes. It is all a gigantic sham, from Obama’s lying mouth on down, designed to inflict hurt, harm, inconvenience and punishment on every segment of America’s population for not doing his and his party’s will. It is the most despicable abrogation of presidential and political leadership and responsibility imaginable; it is evil in intention, by design and effect, the way I see it. Unless you think that the community organizer-in-chief is just innocently following the divide-and-conquer, get-Americans-at-each-other’s-throats method of Saul Alinski’s book, dedicated to Satan by the way.
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