by Don Polson Red
Bluff Daily News 1/22/2012
Bush, Tea Party and gun derangement
While months short of the 8-year anniversary of the
April 2005, inaugural “News and Views” column, newer readers, even long time
readers who’ve forgotten what brought it about, might find it interesting to
look back. In 2009, it was renamed “The way I see it” as “Polecat News and
Views” ( began providing informative, analytical
articles on politics, news and issues, beyond what could have been contained in
a weekly column.
For instance, go to the blog, scroll down to “gun
rights/2nd amendment” and you’ll find nearly 100 articles revealing
far more than anyone on this page could ever tell you. One writer was so uninformed
on the subject that they insisted we need to get rid of “automatic” weapons
(illegal for private citizens to own without special federal license, for most
of a century), practically unheard of in crime except on TV or in movies.
You’ll find 38 pieces on that dastardly gun-running
scandal, “Fast and Furious,” which transferred thousands of high-powered
weapons into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, resulting in hundreds of dead
Mexicans, including certainly dozens of Mexican youths or children. Educate yourself
and find out why I adamantly condemned President Obama for never apologizing,
let alone shedding a tear, over the lives lost under his responsibility. Even
now, AG Eric Holder is trying to persuade a federal judge to prevent Congress
from getting emails related to that deadly gun-running program.
This bunch of duplicitous, corrupt cowards has earned
my enmity, regardless of the tut-tutting of another writer. I stand fully with
the NRA and their hard-hitting ad blasting Obama, and other prominent figures
like NBC’s David Gregory, for having the unmitigated gall to send their
children to well-armed-and-guarded schools while using the Sandy Hook massacre
to lecture the rest of us on the futility of armed guards, even qualified,
trained concealed carrying school personnel.
The inception of this column: In the early 2000s, this
page often printed opinion from those fitting the euphemism coined by
psychiatrist Dr. Charles Krauthammer, “Bush Derangement Syndrome.” First came
the diatribes over the Bush v. Gore election, followed in short order with the
unhinged conspiracy-mongers’ lunacy surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
That led to further nonsense over the Patriot Act (excepting, of course, those
who had genuine civil liberties concerns). Then the Congressionally-authorized
Iraq war provided a nearly unlimited trove of supposed lies surrounding the
case for war, that were invariably lies themselves.
Local Republicans and conservatives, tiring of the
one-sided nature of opinion printed here, asked if a local writer might be
allowed to regularly offer some balancing opinion from the right side of the
spectrum. So, in the spring of 2005, a trial piece was provided to the editor,
and this column began on a bi-weekly basis, moving to a weekly piece later that
year. Another writer, in a self-serving recollection of the pointed, sometimes
harsh language I used in pushing back against the “Bush deranged” liberals
(which I specifically addressed to national, public figures), clearly
misremembers the years of invective from the left.
Consider the continuing acrimonious Tea Party bashing
that regularly appears. Consider also the aversion such writers obviously have
for reducing the entitlement/welfare state expenditures to a reasonable portion
of our governmental budget. That’s the only logical course other than just
sending all our money to government and letting government provide for us all.
Oh, wait – that’s Marxism. Yes, in spite of massive failure, some folks believe
in socialism.
Readers, particularly the conservative super-majority
of Tehama County, have tolerated the weekly offerings from the other three
writers, who reliably lean to the left on any given issue. For instance,
Americans in general, voters in Tehama County in particular, have a more favorable
opinion of the National Rifle Association’s ideas for school safety than they
do Obama’s (Rasmussen found Americans favored armed guards 2 to 3 times more
than those against). I favor armed guards and allowing qualified personnel to
carry concealed weapons, a perfectly reasonable proposition; no other writer so
feels. Future columns will elaborate.
I have genuine regret over the next topic. It was
resolved, or so one would have thought, last year when a columnist was shown to
have 1) fabricated statements supposedly made by his critics and 2) resorted to
thinly-veiled legal threats against said critics, without the slightest legal
cause of action. So, when a strident and, in my opinion, largely wrongheaded
column appeared in last week’s “Positive Point,” strident and strongly-worded
objection predictably appeared in online comments, together with the critic’s
name. You can access the exchange to make up your own mind by using the link to
Mr. Mazzucchi’s “A license for insurrection.”
The critic was accused of expressing “armed and
violent indignation”; nothing the critic wrote came close to such a
mischaracterization – nothing! RM: “Comparing me to a Nazi because I don’t
subscribe to your rationalizations for armed conflict is beyond ludicrous – it
is downright evil. What you state is very close to libel and a disgusting
characterization of a peace loving human.” Mr. Mazzucchi, not one word of
criticism suggested you were being compared “to a Nazi.” Saying your critic’s
comments were “downright evil” is in itself a “disgusting characterization” of
someone who simply believes differently than yourself. An apology is in order,
in my humble opinion.
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