Sunday, February 12, 2012

Food stamp increases/decreases under each president

Food Stamps Charts

These charts show the number of Americans receiving food stamps as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture. The total is now 46.2 million, which is more than the entire populations of many large nations.
The first chart shows monthly totals over the last several years (click charts to enlarge):
The second chart shows annual totals back to 1975:
Since the year 2000, the annual total has only declined once, in 2007.
The next chart shows the number of people added to the food-stamps program each month:
The spike in May 2011 was due to a surge in Alabama after an historic onslaught of giant tornadoes devastated the state. According to the USDA’s report, about 1 million disaster victims from several states were added to the rolls.
The decline in June 2011 was the first monthly decline since February 2008.

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