Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Global Warming Hoax In Charts

The Global Warming Hoax In Charts by John Hinderaker

The remarkable thing about the anthropogenic global warming hoax is that it isn’t even a close call. Anyone who takes the trouble to investigate the science will quickly learn that the alarmist position is a fraudulent one, driven, I think, by the billions of dollars that are thrown at those who are willing to sell out scientific method in support of the statist line. Hiding the decline is way more lucrative than presenting objective, and unalarming, scientific findings. Joe Bastardi writes:
A few graphics make the position of the AGW people completely absurd. It’s why I am so confident as to my position on this matter, and by the way it does have something to do with the weather because if you know where the weather has been, you have a better chance to know where it’s going.
This chart shows how the Earth’s temperatures have correlated with changes in ocean conditions that are known to be relevant to atmospheric temperatures, the Pacific Decadal and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations:

Hmm. Seems like we may be onto something here. Now let’s add another line to the chart: atmospheric concentrations of CO2:

Not quite the same, to say the least. Alarmists have seized on the coincidence of rising temperatures during the latter part of the 20th century to assert a causal relationship that is not found throughout the thousands of years of history of which we have reasonable knowledge. Even a casual investigation reveals that carbon dioxide levels are not the driver of global temperatures. Rather, a combination of solar activity and other earthly phenomena, most notably cycles associated with the oceans, explain the rise and fall of global temperatures that have gone on for millenia.

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