Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama's approval rating remains stagnant

Obama's approval rating remains stagnant

The Wall Street Journal reports:

President Barack Obama’s “shellacking” in the midterm elections and the flurry of legislation he passed afterward hasn’t changed public perceptions about the job he’s done in the Oval Office.

The latest poll from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press shows 46% of Americans approve of the job he’s doing, a two-point drop from a similar poll taken last June, while 44% disapprove. The numbers are similarly static when it comes to his handling of specific issues, from health care to Iraq to the budget deficit.

A Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday showed a slightly bigger bounce in his approval ratings, with 48% of those polls approving of the job he’s doing, up from 44%. But the trend was still relatively flat from polls taken in the months heading up to the election.





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