Dana Loesch: Sarah Palin and the rise of the Feminist Right Washington Examiner
Liberal women have their panties in a bunch over the media's recent characterization of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as a "feminist."
You see, that job is patented by liberal feminists who, for the past 30 or so years, have turned the term for "belief and advocacy in and for equality between the sexes" into a vote-manipulating, moneymaking shtick of an oxymoron. They get upset whenever anyone attempts to co-opt the unofficial trademark of the female left and dilute their commodity.
Popularly defined feminism is no longer about liberating women from the patriarchy but about beholding them to a political party whose policies clearly affect women negatively.
This past month, liberal feminists made more hay made over Palin's "mama grizzlies" talk than the matter of the Food and Drug Administration jerking Avastin off the market. Avastin is a drug used to treat late-stage breast cancer and has been shown to extend the life of some breast cancer patients by five months, but was deemed "cost-prohibitive" by the government.
Emily's List cared enough about women to make a video criticizing Palin, but apparently not enough about breast cancer patients to make a video criticizing the FDA's move.
Liberal feminists made more hay about Palin's chest than I saw them make over the nine women who were recently stoned to death in the Middle East. Those same liberal feminists were also silent when Alle Bautsch was beaten in the street for being a conservative woman.
Liberal feminists talk of choice, but refuse to take the liberated, independent responsibility for their choices and instead press Uncle Sam to subsidize their abortions and birth control.
Liberal women complain about unemployment, yet promote policies which stifle the free market, suppress economic growth and shrink their wallets.
Liberal women rage about education, but help put a man in the White House who worked to kill educational equality by destroying the school vouchers program.
Liberal advocacy for equality between the sexes is a myth; through second- and third-wave feminism, equality became about lowering the bar and demanding that everyone sink to meet the expectations. Case in point: Title IX, wherein boys' welfare and achievement was suppressed so that girls could catch and match them.
Equality is not met by comparing oppression or mediocrity, but by comparing potential and excellence; nor is it met by tearing down the opposition or suppressing ability. Liberal women are quick to ignore their strengths and unique qualities and measure their success by masculine standards in the workplace, in sports or in the home.
It should surprise no one that many conservative women are bucking the notion that liberalism owns the patent on "feminism" and controls whether a woman can or cannot call herself a feminist.
These past two years we've seen the rebirth of feminism: "The face of the tea party is female," said a March 2010 Quinnipiac poll, which detailed who's driving the grass-roots movement.
The year 1992 was billed as the "Year of the Woman," with 222 women on the ballot for congressional seats; this year Rutgers University counted 239 women on the ballot heading to the 2010 midterms.
Conservative women are active because the liberal idea of feminism has failed. An entire generation of berated men have been hog-tied by the chick card, and conservative women are tired of the liberal stereotype that they're all simpletons who only raise their voices to sing in church.
Conservative women are rebelling against this false advocacy used as a political ploy to tether women to The Man.
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/Sarah-Palin-and-the-rise-of-the-Feminist-Right-534655-101265274.html#ixzz0xUwuGE9w
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