From the Republican Trust:
But just days before his trip, he genuflected to the Saudi royals and subordinated American victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks as though they were subjects as well. The Obama Justice Department argued that family members of the victims of the terror attacks should not be allowed to sue the Saudi royal family for helping finance al-Qaida. The lawsuit accuses the Saudi royals of financially backing al-Qaida through direct contributions and so-called charitable organizations set up to sponsor terrorism, according to documents insurance companies filed on behalf of victims and surviving family members of the attacks that killed 3,000 Americans.
The legal brief filed on behalf of Obama's solicitor general, Elena Kagan, stated that “the Supreme Court had historically looked to the executive branch to take the lead on such international matters because of ‘the potentially significant foreign relations consequences of subjecting another sovereign state to suit',” according to the New York Times.
But that is just what a bill President Clinton signed allows victims of terrorism to do. The “Flatow Amendment” to the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act was intended to provide relief for the families of terrorism by allowing legal pursuit of state sponsors of terrorism. This is the very definition of what the Saudi's have done by supporting al-Qaida.
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