Monday, August 4, 2014



Our friend Ammo Grrrll provides an explication of the text served up recently by United States Senator Elizabeth Warren commenting on the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case. She asks: LIAR OR IDIOT? – YOU BE THE JUDGE:
After the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision, Indian Princess Elizabeth Warren peered over her high cheekbones and tweeted the following 25 words: “Can’t believe we live in a world where we’d even consider letting big corps deny women access to basic care based on vague moral objections.”
A mere 25 words with a minimum of four fallacies or lies. Yikes! Let us list them, shall we?
She begins with the mistaken belief that the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over the “world.” This is completely consistent with the hope of the far-left that we will someday have to take our marching orders from Brussels or the U.N. Sadly for them we still live in an independent country, not “the world.”
Notice how she also mentions we shouldn’t “let” corporations do things. This is also a central tenet of the Left and applies not just to corporations, but to people who like large drinks or mothers who like to pack a lunch for Junior that he will actually eat. People much smarter than you know what they can let you do.
Secondly, there is the rather hilarious term “big corps.” Ah, yes, a closely-held corporation consisting of five religious family members is a “big corp.”(not to mention the world-beating Little Sisters of the Poor in their lawsuit). Warren is a lawyer. She knows better. The Hobby Lobby store is big, so that might have confused her.
In Hollywood, outside of the occasional Christian Fanatic Nutjob, the go-to villain in everything from cartoons to re-writes of The Manchurian Candidate is always the Evil Corporation. There is no other kind. In the original movie, the villain was communist. That is so yesterday, what with the Reset Button and all, that sadly for the Ukrainians turned out to be a Rewind Button instead. Oopsie!
In Left-wing La-La Land everyone should either work for The Excellent Benign Government or sell puka shell necklaces to each other (if you can comply with the 4,000 pages of Puka Shell Necklace regulations.) Failing that, Nancy Pelosi suggests writing poetry, an apparent high-paying growth industry.
Thirdly, there is the Big Gigantic Histrionic Steaming Pile of a Lie that is repeated like a mantra: that if someone else doesn’t pay for your birth control, it is exactly the same as “deny(ing) (you) access” to it. Jim Crow all over again!
For the love of God, Lizzie and gal pals, get a grip! Take a Valium or do some Tai Chi. There is no woman in America who cannot afford $9.00 a month for birth control pills and condoms are free at any gay bar. Especially if a woman shares the cost with her husband, boyfriend, hookup, or Baby Daddy, then that unbearable burden falls to $4.50, or the price of a cup of coffee. Nothing to the individual, but quite a sum indeed to the taxpayer in aggregate.
And, finally, there’s the assertion that Hobby Lobby’s successful lawsuit was based on “vague moral objections.” There was nothing the least bit “vague” about Hobby Lobby’s moral objections: they did not want to pay for procedures that snuff out the life of an unborn child, even in its earliest stages. Period. You may disagree with it, but how is that “vague”? The ruling exempts Hobby Lobby from paying for only a handful of the many birth control methods, the ones which are abortifacients.
This tweet is an embarrassment to my gender. And yet, Warren is bandied about as a credible back-up candidate for First Woman President, a person to carry on the “legacy” of Obama.
Oh, she would be that, alright. If the legacy is a wildly-unqualified, one-term leftist senator, filling a politically-correct slot, who has lied about his or her background for personal gain. Never forget that the original “birther” was Obama himself. For 18 long years, he let stand his bio saying that he was born in Kenya. That sounds so much more exotic than a pot-smoking private school punk born in Hawaii, the most racially-tolerant place on earth.
Does anyone doubt that the reason his college records are sealed is because he got special consideration based on this lie? If not, unseal them, already; I’m sure they’ve been redacted by now. Or lost in a hard drive mishap. In Ms. Warren, we have yet another fake Indian who was listed as a “woman of color” at Harvard, that color being Fish Belly White. She let that stand, too. At least as a Bankruptcy specialist at Harvard Law, she could preside over the remnants of Obama’s economy as it circles the drain.

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