Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Corporate jets for we, but not for thee (Pelosi)

Victor Davis Hansen just nails the new liberal overlords and their shameless hypocrisy:

"The cap-and-trade prone Congress ordering up brand new Gulfstream luxury jets is the sort of thing that is contributing to this growing backlash against expanding government.
Besides all the other worries, the public is finally starting to fathom the nature of our new technocratic government overseers.

"A Pelosi who rails about carbon footprints, but wants the biggest private-use jet she can get; "pay your fair share" Dodd and Rangel, who skip out on their own taxes, and find all sorts of immoral ways to finance and maintain second and third properties; a Geithner or Daschle who favor more taxes and less perks for the elite — if they can avoid taxes, or have tax-free limo service; the millionaire Gore who earned a lavish lifestyle by warning of its pernicious effects in others..."

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