Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Onslaught

The Onslaught

Media's Full Court Press

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a coordinated effort by the media, and especially in social media, to show that Kamala Harris is popular and can beat Trump.

It’s designed to break the spirit of Trump voters who were very fired up after the botched assassination attempt. They want you to think there is no chance and you should stay quiet and especially stay home.

It remains to be seen if the assassination attempt was an inside job, but there is enough data and plenty of mistakes to get one to conclude it might have been an inside job. Only one person resigned. Secretary Mayorkas didn’t because he is essential to the “party”.

The old Soviets were great at manipulating the public and the Democrats along with their allies in the media are no different. That includes Big Tech of Facebook, Google, and the like. Instead of Google, use Freespoke.

We know the hard left isn’t fond of the United States. It needs to be fundamentally changed but they will wrap themselves in the flag when it’s useful. I am not avidly watching the Olympics, but it sort of surprises me that we get to hear the US National Anthem. The NFL never shows it because of Colin Kaepernick and the kneel-down. How many NBA and college teams aren’t even present on the field of play when the anthem is played? That whole controversy is part of the deception the media tries to sell you. But, they are never consistent. They rely on people not remembering and just quoting the current line.

What’s interesting is that since Elon Musk bought X, everyone supposedly left the platform. Remember? All the cool kids were going to here or there. Turns out, everyone is on X and my feed is full of glowing posts about Harris and Walz. When do the fiduciary companies who wrote down the value of X write it up? It is the only place online where free speech and no censorship is guaranteed.

The silent majority cannot be silent anymore. The way to beat communists is to take the fight to them.

The PRAVDA-like media onslaught will continue until after the Democratic convention. They will never play it straight. Low information media members won’t even question things and so they won’t report them. Don’t expect them to. The best antidote is to continue posting the truth so people have the chance to see.

Yesterday, in a WSJ editorial comment section, I got in a tit-for-tat comment fight with some left-winger. He insisted Walz called out the National Guard to stop rioting in Minneapolis. I posted some links that proved he didn’t and a person thanked me.

There is plenty of faux hand-wringing on social media about Trump’s current strategy. If you haven’t seen it, watch this by none other than Greg Gutfeld. It’s a rational reason why you should support Trump over anyone on the other ticket.

Believe me, I don’t love Trump. I don’t have to love the President. I think he has a lot of faults but so did a lot of other Presidents. The media of past times didn’t illuminate them like they do today.

However, what we have today in America is like a Hunger Games. Hunter Biden gets to sit on Boards of Directors and make a lot of money. You have no shot at that job. Nancy Pelosi’s son sits on the Boards of Directors of companies in Taiwan. You have no shot at that job. She deletes his name from manifests so no one knows he is aboard her taxpayer-funded plane. It’s crony capitalism up and down.

If you wonder how powerful the government is, think about the fact that at a recent Harris rally, the government broke into a private business so elite people from the Harris campaign and government people could use a bathroom. Is the US government that far away from the old Stasi of communist East Germany?

None of Trump’s children have taken advantage like other elite kids. Trump’s kids are going to have opportunities because they grew up in a billionaire’s home. Jared Kushner, Ivanka’s husband had a thriving investment business prior to Trump being elected. It didn’t thrive because Trump was elected. That’s the difference.

The media of today is trying to get you to believe boys can be girls and girls can be boys. Boys can breastfeed and get abortions. “I am a transgay nonbinary person”. What?

I love how the media is trying to spin that J.D. Vance didn’t have a tough upbringing and somehow faked it all. It’s laughable.

In posts all over social media, there are people regurgitating the hard left-wing line about the false equivalence between Walz's National Guard career and J.D. Vance’s Marine Corps career. Walz has stolen valor. Period. There are plenty of tapes to show he continued the steal over his lifetime. They will try to persuade you by the number of stripes on each person’s uniform. Hint: it doesn’t matter. They will say, “You can’t criticize someone who served and they deserve respect.” Ha. Walz would have deserved respect if he would have done the things he said he did. Instead, he was a mere busboy. Walz’s superior officer said he shirked the duty and quit. Yet, it’s hard to find in the mainstream media.

My guess is the lie is so persistent in Walz's mind, that he will even try it at a debate and the press will support him. Remember how Candy Crowley carried water for Obama in 2012 against Romney? Romney didn’t fight back and that’s one reason we have Trump.

As low of a human being Walz is, Harris is worse.

If you have been paying attention you will notice all of Harris's positions on everything have switched. Yesterday, she even stole Trump’s position on taxing employee tips even though the Biden/Harris administration unleashed 50,000 IRS agents after employees who earn some of their living from tips.

Today we are treated with columns by the faux-conservative David French on why he is voting for Harris. The only day David French and people like him are conservative is Halloween. I won’t link to it because it’s nonsense. Instead, read John Kass’s column about Harris/Walz hiding who they really are.

No matter what, this was always going to be a close election. Now is the time to be bolder, not shrink.


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