Sunday, August 25, 2024

Is Hypocrisy Relevant?

Is Hypocrisy Relevant?

by John Hinderaker in DemocratsLiberals

The Democrats are the party of the nomenklatura, including the most petty of the nomenklatura–Americans who have managed to graduate from college. Beyond that, they are the party of those who cash the trillions of dollars in checks that government at all levels writes, every year, and who benefit from the ever-widening web of government regulations.

Government checks go mostly to the upper middle class, which is why the counties around Washington are the richest counties in the country. Even the many billions of dollars designated for poverty programs don’t mostly go to the poor, but rather to those who *serve* the poor. And it is almost exclusively the well-off who benefit from each round of government regulation. So the Democrats are the party of the wealthy, with their best voting group those who earn over $200,000 a year.

Despite being the party of the wealthy, the Democrats still cling to their long-ago image as the party of the downtrodden. This video skewers the hypocrisy effectively:

Why do the Democrats do it?

I think the Democrats persist in their party-of-the-people fraud for a couple of reasons. First, there may be a few rubes out there who will fall for it. But second, and more important, it is the spoonful of sugar that helps the corruption go down. The Democrats’ voters know they are in it for the money. For reasons I can’t explain, the critical role of financial self-interest in the Democrats’ political machine is often overlooked. But it is the main key to their whole operation.

If you are voting for a party because there is money in it for you–Martha’s Vineyard estates, thousand-dollar shoes, or their upper middle class equivalents–doesn’t it make you feel better to think that those dollars are being shoveled to you by the party of the people? And that your crass commercial exchange is somehow for the benefit of the masses? Of course it does. The Democrats’ faux populism salves the consciences of the rich.

So, is it worthwhile to expose the Democrats’ hypocrisy? Sure, why not? But don’t expect Democratic voters who are locked in by financial self-interest to change their minds because their party’s fig leaf has been snatched away.

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