Saturday, August 24, 2024

Pelosi Has Embarrassing 'Toilet Paper' Moment at DNC Podium, Even Worse Is What She Said About Trump

Pelosi Has Embarrassing 'Toilet Paper' Moment at DNC Podium, Even Worse Is What She Said About Trump

AP Photo/Erin Hooley

It's been a bit of a tough DNC for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). 

After her part in the coup to shove Joe Biden to the side and ignore the votes of more than 14 million people, she had to pretend to enthusiastically cheer "We Love Joe" during his baiting, stumbling, lie-filled speech on Monday night. He didn't exactly look like a guy who should be on Mount Rushmore, as she claimed, as a penance for shoving him out. He also didn't exactly encapsulate joy as he ranted and screamed about Trump. 

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But on Wednesday night she had a bit of an embarrassing moment that had everyone talking, as she walked to the podium at the DNC. As she walked, she appeared to have a stutter-step for a moment and then something appeared to fall out of her pants. Many thought it was toilet paper: 

People had other speculations on what it could be. 

According to the NY Post, a source claimed it was notes. 

Vice President Kamala Harris’ nephew Alexander Hudlin’s shoe turned over the item minutes later, revealing a more complex geometrical shape — adding to the mystery.

“It was note cards” that were “folded up” containing her speech, a source familiar with Pelosi’s appearance insisted — after a tweeted video of the incident garnered nearly 2 million views on X.

Uh-huh. Then why didn't she reach down and pick them up, since she looked back and saw what it was? 

People weren't buying that, speculating from toilet paper and hygiene products to alcohol, as well as some unique and/or funny takes. 

That was pretty embarrassing. 

But perhaps more embarrassing and certainly more divisive was what she said on Thursday about former President Donald Trump. on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell. 

"We have to defeat a person who is a threat to our democracy of the kind that we have not seen. At the beginning of our country, Thomas Paine said, "The times have found us, declare war, establish a new nation." Abraham Lincoln took up that charge to keep our country together, years later, decades later. And now the times have found us to save our democracy. That is what we are here to do."

Um, aren't you the person behind the anti-democratic coup on Biden? What gall to call anyone else a threat to democracy when you throw your "friend" under the bus to try to hold onto control. 

This is the Democrats in miniature, accusing Trump of everything while talking about "war" with half the country, and invoking the Civil War--and using this violent, divisive language a little over a month since the assassination attempt against Trump. 

The funny thing is, after all, that, when Kamala loses anyway, that'll be the ultimate karma.

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