Saturday, August 31, 2024

WATCH: Kamala Harris Gives Disqualifying Answer When Asked About Defense of 'Biden's Capacity to Serve'

WATCH: Kamala Harris Gives Disqualifying Answer When Asked About Defense of 'Biden's Capacity to Serve'

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Of all the questions Vice President Kamala Harris could have been asked during her CNN interview, the one I wanted to hear the answer to the most - and the one I figured wouldn't get asked - was on the subject of her staunch defense of President Joe Biden after his disastrous June debate performance.

Though it undeniably confirmed what Biden's critics had been saying about his cognitive health for years, and even sparked rumors that some Democrats were already talking that very night about how maybe he should consider dropping out of the race, Harris boiled the debate down to one bad night out of three and a half years during a heated back and forth exchange with CNN's Anderson Cooper.

"The Joe Biden that I worked with every day is someone who, as I have said, has performed in a way that has been about bringing people into the Oval Office, Republicans and Democrats, to compromise in a way that is extraordinary these days," she told Cooper at the time.

READ MORE-->> More Biden Debate Disaster Fallout: Kamala Harris Hardest Hit

Throughout all the calls in July from Democrats for Biden to withdraw from the race, including the infamous moment where former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to say she supported Biden staying in it, Harris never wavered publicly on her support of Biden while out on the campaign trail, often minimizing his debate performance as just one bad night that was best overlooked because Orange Man Bad.

On Thursday, she had a chance to pivot, to maybe be more upfront and honest about her defenses of Biden since the debate performance that was the catalyst for shaming him into withdrawing.

She didn't and she wasn't. Instead, the Democratic presidential nominee who watched the same debate performance we did, who had stood by Biden's side for three and a half years and was no doubt witness to a lot more troubling moments than we were when we saw him out in public, said she had no regrets whatsoever.

From the CNN transcript:

BASH: Vice President Harris, you were a very staunch defender of President Biden’s capacity to serve another four years right after the debate. You insisted that President Biden is extraordinarily strong. Given where we are now, do you have any regrets about what you told the American people?

 HARRIS: No, not at all. Not at all. I have served with President Biden for almost four years now. And I’ll tell ya it’s one of the greatest honors of my career, truly. He cares so deeply about the American people. He is so smart and — and loyal to the American people. And I have spent hours upon hours with him, be it in the Oval Office or the Situation Room. He has the intelligence, the commitment, and the judgment and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve in their president.


In my view, this was about as disqualifying of an answer as it gets. I mean the whole freakin' reason she's where she is now is because an overwhelming majority of Democrat leaders/movers and shakers on Capitol Hill (not to mention the mega-donors, Hollywood elitists, and the Obamas) were terrified over what Biden's debate performance revealed to America about his frailty, his lack of coherency, and his mental acuity.

Of course, Kamala Harris is not just going to come right out and say Joe Biden is unfit to serve another four years in office - especially considering she was the beneficiary of his announcement and endorsement. But to sit there and pretend like Biden has been a model of strength, leadership, and intestinal fortitude since Day One? Seriously - does anyone outside of Jill Biden even believe that anymore?

There are a lot of reasons why Kamala Harris does not deserve to be president, but perhaps the most important one is her unwillingness to level with the American people about Joe Biden's health. She could have done it in a way that showed respect to her boss but that still got the point across and didn't make her look like a complete shill and tool.

But she didn't. And my guess is that because in doing so she would have exposed her own complicity in the sham and troublesome cover-up. 

Kamala Harris will always put personal ambition and politics ahead of country. If the American people didn't learn anything else about her from the CNN interview, let's hope they learned that much.

Kamala Climate Power Grab: Green New Deal, Suing Exxon, Banning Straws

Kamala Climate Power Grab: Green New Deal, Suing Exxon, Banning Straws

(AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

At the CNN climate debate on Wednesday, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) said she was so desperate to pass a Green New Deal, she would slash the filibuster in the U.S. Senate. She also pledged to sue oil companies.

“I am prepared to get rid of a filibuster to pass a Green New Deal,” Harris declared.

At roughly the same time, she tweeted, “If Republicans continue to block progress, I’ll get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal.”

The filibuster allows any member of the U.S. Senate to lengthen debate and prevent a measure from coming up for a vote.

As for the Green New Deal, Saikat Chakrabarti, former chief of staff to Green New Deal architect Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), let slip that it “wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” but rather a “how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy-thing.” Taxing the rich at 100 percent would not come close to funding the project, which would cost $49.109 trillion on the low end. One study found that the Green New Deal would cost the average American family $250,000 — a quarter of a million dollars — in the first five years.

Yet Kamala Harris’s green power grab would not be limited to pushing the Green New Deal. She also pledged to ban hydraulic fracturing (better known as “fracking”), offshore oil drilling, and plastic straws.

She also promised to sue oil companies like Exxon-Mobil.

“It’s not a question of debating the science. It’s a question of taking on powerful interests and understanding polluters have a profit motive to pollute. Let’s take them to court and require if they don’t change, they pay fines,” she said.

It remains unclear just how Americans would get any electricity in Kamala’s America. Not only would the Green New Deal tax and regulate the energy economy back to the Stone Age, but all these new bans would make it even harder for poor Americans — and the poor would be hit hardest in this — to access electric light, air conditioning, refrigeration, microwaves, and everything that electricity makes possible.

It should be no surprise that Kamala Harris is a nanny state tyrant. As attorney general, she helped prosecute pro-life undercover journalist David Daleiden.

Kamala Harris Pulls Another Flip-Flop, the Second One Today

Kamala Harris Pulls Another Flip-Flop, the Second One Today

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

In keeping with the Harris campaign's habit of not knowing what it believes, a new flip-flop from Kamala Harris has hit the inboxes. 

According to Amber Duke of the Spectator, the Harris campaign is now saying that she doesn't support the electric vehicle mandate. 

As you may be aware, the EV mandate was a Biden/Harris administration pet project. The mandate revolved around forcing auto companies to rapidly create enough EV's without any guarantee of purchase, causing a huge lack of funds for the automotive industry that could cost jobs. It was a horribly thought out and planned mandate that eventually Biden walked back and was later kneecapped by the CARS act.

This mandate was the Biden/Harris administration's attempt to slap their name on one of the biggest pushes for a more "green" society, but due to their lack of knowledge about how economics works, it ended up being a disaster. 

It's not exactly something Harris wants to put her name on during the campaign, however — and stop me if you've heard this one before — her name already is on something very similar. 

As Duke points out, The Zero-Emissions Vehicles Act of 2019, was cosponsored by Kamala Harris when she was a senator back in California. 

In fact, Harris has been a huge proponent of putting EV's on the road, especially school buses. 

Back in July, the Washington Free Beacon reported that Harris's billion-dollar effort to get thousands of electric buses rolled out across the nation ended up being yet another green energy clown show: 

As part of the first tranche of Clean School Bus program funding two years ago, Harris and EPA administrator Michael Regan unleashed nearly $1 billion in federal rebates for 389 school districts across all 50 states to help deliver a total 2,463 electric school buses. According to federal data reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, just 27 of those districts have proven to the EPA that their buses were delivered and that their diesel-fueled buses being replaced have been discarded.

Collectively, those districts have deployed a total of 60 battery-electric or low-emissions propane-fueled school buses. And 55 additional districts have pulled out of the program, according to other federal data shared with the Free Beacon, citing a variety of technological and infrastructure concerns. In other words: More school districts have withdrawn from the program than proven that they have completed it.

So, Kamala Harris went from being an EV warrior to someone who isn't about to push this nonsense she's been pushing relentlessly during an election season. It's too politically risky, as "I keep trying to push failed attempts to push enviro-wackadooism that could potentially put Americans out of work" doesn't exactly sell well. 

But don't think she's done with this nonsense. Not even for a moment. She doesn't support it now, but if she were to win in November, you can bet your bottom dollar that she'd be back on the idea that she can create an America that rolls strictly on EV's, economy and logistics be damned.

Don’t Let Moral Confusion Make You Help Kamala

Don’t Let Moral Confusion Make You Help Kamala


AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Can we conservatives agree to reject the reasoning of children – that if you don’t get exactly what you want to the extent you want at the time you want it, you’ll take your ball and go home and end up with nothing? I’m tired of conservatives, or at least alleged conservatives, who reason like this. 

Some people are loudly announcing – because the announcement of their moral awesomeness is the point – not to support Donald Trump over Planned Parenthood poster girl Kamala Harris because he is somehow insufficiently pro-life. This is unbelievably dumb. Here’s a fun fact. You’re never going to find a politician who is exactly the same as you on all the issues that are very important to you. Donald Trump is never going to match you 100% in everything important to you. But he will match you about 90%, maybe 95%, of the time, while Late Term Kamala will match you 0% of the time. The hallmark of adulthood is the ability to make choices, often between suboptimal options. Do that.

This kind of posturing is stupid, politically and otherwise. Donald Trump is, objectively, the most pro-life president we’ve ever had. He managed to get rid of Roe v. Wade through his Supreme Court justices. That was a massive achievement. Now, what were we promising when we said we would get rid of Roe? We were promising we would allow individual states to make their own abortion decisions because that wasn’t something the federal government should do. The Supreme Court adopted that reasoning. That’s what Dobbs says. Various states have subsequently made various decisions about abortion. In some states, this barbaric practice is essentially banned. In others, it’s open season on fetuses. Is it exactly what we want here? No. Is it better than it was? Hell yes. 

And we have the opportunity to make things even better if we don’t screw it up by shooting ourselves in the foot with gratuitous, ridiculous, moral posturing that inevitably leads to defeat. But some of the pro-life people, who would rather be pure than successful, are dumping on Trump because Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do. He’s allowing states to make this decision. I’m not sure why anyone thinks it’s a great idea to promise the American people “A,” and when the American people trust you enough to give you “A,” decide, “No, we’re actually going to give you ‘B,’ which is something very different.” I have a lot of trouble being lectured about morality by people who want to make me a liar and think that’s OK.

I would like to end abortion. Do you know how we can end abortion? We can convince most Americans to also want to end abortion. But right now, most Americans don’t want a complete abortion ban. That’s not where they’re at. And why is that? Because we haven’t convinced them yet. 

Democracy is hard work. We can’t dictate. We have to convince people of things. And yes, that includes convincing them that things that we oppose really, really deeply, like killing babies, are bad. It’s sad enough our society has a mindset that makes killing babies an option. It’s even sadder when we somehow can’t be troubled to go out and make the case to our fellow citizens that it’s bad to kill babies. Instead, some pro-life folks want to wave some magic wand and impose a fantasy law that’s never going to get passed, and that is blatantly unconstitutional. It is not happening.

Donald Trump has acknowledged this reality, the reality that a critical mass of Americans is not with us yet and that the Constitution says every state can make its own decisions. Trump is acting reasonably by trying to achieve a lasting pro-life result over time instead of demanding an instant result that cannot happen and would not last. Both procedurally and substantively, the federal government cannot impose a ban on abortions. That would never pass Congress, and even if it did, it would violate Dobbs. Once again, as we’ve been staying for the last century, this is not a decision for the federal government because abortion doesn’t appear in the Constitution, and it has to be decided at the state level. This means that some states are going to make terrible decisions. That’s how federalism works.

If you want to eliminate abortion, and I do, there is no shortcut. You have to change peoples’ minds. You have to go make the case that life is better than death. And it will not happen overnight. For some reason, people don’t want to sully their hands making the argument to people about why abortion is bad. And they haven’t made it, at least not well enough to enough people. Normally sensible states, when an abortion amendment appears on their ballot, have chosen much looser abortion rules than we would prefer. Is it because these people in red states are bad people? No, it’s because we haven’t done the job of convincing them. And, insanely, incrementalism has gotten a bad name. The options voters get are no abortions ever or abortions for everybody all the time, and the government will pay for them. Neither is what the vast majority of Americans want. And when given the choice, even in red states, they go for Option B.

The only way we can win is by convincing people to embrace life. We can’t force them to do it. If we try, as we have seen, we get a reaction that ends up creating more abortions. 

And nothing is dumber than saying, “I’m not voting for Donald Trump because he’s insufficiently anti-abortion despite having overturned Roe v. Wade!” It’s hard to understand the depth of this dumbness when his opponent would legalize killing kids on the way out of the birth canal. Until Jesus gets on the ballot, you will never have the chance to vote for someone perfect. Being an adult means accepting reality and making choices. You have to choose between the lesser of two evils, though I’m not convinced Trump is evil. Choosing is what adults do. Mick Jagger was right – you can’t always get what you want, but if you try real hard, as we saw with Dobbs getting overturned, sometimes you get what you need.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Conservatives tear apart Kamala Harris’ performance in first interview since Biden’s exit: ‘So incompetent’

Conservatives tear apart Kamala Harris’ performance in first interview since Biden’s exit: ‘So incompetent’

Kamala Harris refuses to say if she’ll withhold US weapons shipments to Israel
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Vice President Kamala Harris was pilloried by critics over her Thursday performance in her first sit-down interview since becoming the Democratic nominee.

Top Republicans and conservative influencers — many of whom have been goading Harris into finally giving such an interview — mercilessly mocked the presidential candidate on everything from optics to some of the answers she offered up when pressed on key issues by CNN’s Dana Bash.

Harris, 59, had used that interview in part to deliver an olive branch to Republicans, asserting that she intends to appoint a member of the GOP to a Cabinet post if she prevails in the Nov. 5 election, arguing that there’s value in diversity of opinion.

Kamala Harris sat down with her running mate Tim Walz for the hotly anticipated interview.CNN

Still, critics from her right glossed over that and found plenty of fodder in that interview to use against her.


“Kamala Harris values diversity of opinion so much—she’s held every position on every issue herself!” Washington Reporter editor-in-chief Matthew Foldi quipped on X.

“Kamala Harris is so incompetent that she’s completely falling apart during a very friendly CNN interview There is a reason that the Harris campaign hid her for roughly 40 days, allowing her to do no interviews She’s a disaster,” DailyWire reporter Ryan Saavedra posted on X.

“Off the bat @KamalaHarris makes it sounds like @realDonaldTrump had been running the show for the past four years but she was very weird,” Fox Business correspondent Charles Gasparino griped.

“Kamala Harris said Dana Bash’s name wrong…She must be a racist,” self-described conservative Republican Kevin Smith said.

Some of Harris’ allies have bashed her critics who mispronounce her name which she pronounces as “KA-ma-la” but others articulate it as “Ka-MA-la” or even “KUH-ma-la.”

“Why does Kamala Harris look hunched over? Her answers are strong but weird body language of looking down?” media personality Colby Hall pondered.

“Body language experts are going to have a field day with this Kamala Harris interview. The lack of confidence is staggering! Kamala keeps looking down and away is conveying a great deal of weakness. The hiding from record is amazing too,” user Andrew Paino chided.

Former 2024 GOP presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy seized on Harris’ response to a question about her past support for a ban on fracking during her 2020 campaign for the presidency.

“In 2019 Kamala Harris said she would absolutely ban fracking. At present, she says she won’t ban fracking. Tonight on CNN, she said her position on a fracking ban hasn’t changed,” Ramaswamy wrote on X.

“At least 1 of those 3 statements has to be false. That’s not a partisan point, it’s just logic.”

Former President Donald Trump also chimed in and chastised his Democratic foe.

“I look so forward to Debating Comrade Comrade Kamala Harris and exposing her for the fraud she is. Harris has changed every one of her long held positions, on everything,” Trump sniped on Truth Social, later calling the interview “Boring.”

Kamala Harris dinged Donald Trump for lacking the values that President Biden had such as selflessness and a desire to put the American people first.AP

Trump and Harris are set to square off on Sept. 10 in Philadelphia for a debate hosted by ABC News.

What do you think? Post a comment.

President Biden vacationed at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware on Wednesday ahead of Kamala’s CNN interview.AP

The 45th president and his allies had spent weeks throwing shade at Harris for sparingly taking questions from reporters on the record. Trump and his running mate JD Vance had upped their media portfolio, holding more press conferences and doing more interviews to draw a sharp contrast with Harris.

Harris waited some 40 days since President Biden dropped out of the race to do a sit-down interview.