Thursday, November 4, 2021




On Friday, a Southwest Airlines pilot signed off with the usual chatter directed at his passengers, and added, “and remember, let’s go Brandon.” It was a low-key invocation of the ubiquitous phrase:

Reportedly, “Let’s go Brandon” is being heard on Southwest Airlines pilots’ radios even when not audible to passengers, and I have it on good authority that the same thing is happening on other airlines. This is hardly a surprise; a few days ago, four of the top ten songs on iTunes were variations on “Let’s go Brandon.”

What is interesting about this seemingly minor episode is the Left’s extreme reaction to it. It is all over Twitter, with liberals denouncing the Southwest pilot and demanding that he be investigated or fired. Twitchy features this tweet by a liberal activist who is a former Obama employee and now is a lecturer at the Kennedy School:

Of course it isn’t just this pilot: liberals are hysterical about “Let’s go Brandon,” not to mention the actual “F**k Joe Biden” chants that have broken out at college football games and elsewhere. You see this everywhere on Twitter, among other places.

Apparently these people have forgotten the last five years. If they thought it was unacceptably crude to say “F**k the president,” they should have thought of it in 2016. A simple Google search–“fuck Donald Trump”–turns up 17,900,000 results. One could cite endless examples of such vulgarity. Here is one, from the Facebook feed of a Lutheran minister who is engaged in campus ministry:

There is no one in the Democratic Party–literally not a single person, as far as I am aware–who has objected to the unceasing stream of obscenity that Democrats have directed at Donald Trump for the last five years. “Let’s go Brandon” is remarkably subtle and unobjectionable compared with what we see from the Democrats every day. (Then of course we have far more serious misconduct, like multiple physical assaults on Senator Rand Paul and his family. But that is material for another post.)

And the incivility continues. To cite just one of countless instances, we have Democratic Party activists crashing and ruining a wedding because Kyrsten Sinema was one of the guests:

These are simply evil people. When I observe the appalling behavior of liberals in America today, the mildest response I can conjure up is “Let’s go Brandon.”

STEVE adds: Wouldn’t it be a wonderful flying experience if liberals decided to boycott Southwest en masse? Southwest could help along this blissful prospect if they start serving Black Rifle Coffee.

PAUL adds: “Let’s go Brandon” is political commentary. In my opinion, pilots should not subject a captive audience of passengers to it.

JOHN responds: In principle, I agree with Paul. In a parallel universe that isn’t crazy, my belief that captive audiences shouldn’t be exposed to political commentary, even in humorous, three-second doses, would govern. However–speaking of captive audiences–I am mindful of the fact that I have spent many hours at airport gates being subjected to left-wing harangues on CNN. When I have spent an equal number of hours listening to conservative commentary from pilots, I will call it even.

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