Friday, November 12, 2021




I worry about Iran’s mullahs pursuing their murderous exploits with an arsenal of nuclear weapons, a venture that Barack Obama did everything in his power to facilitate. Obama himself purports to worry about “climate change,” f/k/a “global warming.” Obama traveled to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow to give one of his seemingly endless speeches yesterday.

Obama called out the villains of the “climate change” story including China, Russia, the Trump administration, and the Republican Party. “One of our two major parties has decided not only to sit on the sidelines, but express active hostility toward climate science and make climate change a partisan issue.”

Politics no longer stops at the water’s edge. His motto might be Speak loudly and carry a big shtick.

Of course, Obama was talking about “saving the planet.” It “isn’t a partisan issue,” he said, adding that politics doesn’t matter “if your Florida house is flooded by rising seas, or your crops fail in the Dakotas or your California house is burning down. Nature, science do not care about party affiliation.”

“Climate change” — what can’t it do? It won’t be easy to stamp it out. The will to power manifested in the movement against it represents the true danger to the future of humanity.

Harking back to the glory days of his years lecturing the American people from the White House, Obama adopted the overenunciated style of speech that might be appropriate to an adult struggling to make himself understood by a slow child. I can assure you he doesn’t talk to Michelle like that.

Obama unburdened himself with this characteristically personal reflection: “There are times where I feel discouraged, there are times when the future seems somewhat bleak, there are times when I am doubtful that humanity can get its act together before it’s too late. Images of dystopia creep into my dreams.”

As he spoke, I wanted him to strike “Images of dystopia creep into my mind” and insert “That’s when I fly up to my multimillion dollar Martha’s Vineyard waterfront mansion. It’s a great pick-me-up.”

Hoping to have skipped most of Sheila Babauta’s introduction, I have posted the video of Obama’s COP26 speech below (transcript here). Long live Big COP.


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