Sunday, July 3, 2016

Memo to #NeverTrump: Drop the Pious Bologna!

Memo to #NeverTrump: Drop the Pious Bologna!
 by: Michael Henry (@MichaelHenry123)

During a recent conversation with an African-American friend, he said to me, “I want to vote for Trump, I mean I was going to. I agree with him on trade and immigration but I don’t get why your fellow Republicans, the leaders of your party are publicly pushing the idea he’s a racist?”

Quite honestly, it was a great question. Maybe Donald Trump is a man who lacks a filter. Maybe he has a big ego. Nevertheless, he’s running against a failed Secretary of State who is under investigation for an email scandal that potentially compromised national security; a woman who lied about the events that resulted in the deaths of those four Americans in Benghazi, who’s spent her life viciously attacking her husband’s assorted victims and mistresses. Amazingly, some in the GOP are more concerned with a few Trump business bankruptcies than they are with Hillary’s track record in Libya, Egypt, Ukraine, Iraq, and Iran.

Ironically, the same people who challenged the patriotism of American’s who questioned why George W. Bush was marching undertrained and ill-equipped guardsmen off to their deaths in Iraq instead of finishing the hunt for Osama Bin Laden now question the judgment of Trump. These people have daily rants over how they cannot support Trump, as if two Bush presidencies aren’t why we got 16 years of Democratic presidents. Whether it was on the economy, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Supreme Court nominations, our last Republican president, George W Bush, exhibited an unparalleled level of incompetence that any Republican, let alone a Conservative, should be embarrassed to defend.

Moreover, where were these people in 2012 when Mitt Romney was shoved down our throats as a nominee? The Mitt Romney who as a governor implemented Romneycare, which eventually became the blueprint for Obamacare. The Mitt Romney who implemented hidden fees as hidden tax when he was governor. The Mitt Romney who claimed he was an independent during the Reagan years. The Mitt Romney who viciously attacked fellow Republicans in the primary and
then turned into Ward Cleaver in the general election. The man who’s tone on illegal immigration was “self-deportation”. Oh wait, that’s right. They were celebrating when he selected boy wonder and fellow choke artist Paul Ryan as his vice presidential selection.

I find it humorous as I watch many of these Republicans openly bash Trump, his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, his spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, and others involved with his campaign team. Nonetheless, I didn’t hear them bashing Jeff Miller, the campaign manager for one of the most successful governors in recent times, when a majority of the $1.1 million raised by Perry campaign went to Miller’s firm. Nor did they bash Rick Wiley for his rumored conduct during his tenure as Scott Walker’s campaign manager. Carly Fiorina was another candidate whose campaign
leadership made a small fortune on her. As perplexing as it may sound, it’s almost as though many in the political world will accept their friends guiltless grifting yet they cannot stomach the fact Trump gave political outsiders the chance to shine. Here’s the bottom line: these geniuses who have lost election after election are bitter because they arrogantly dismissed Trump and then watched him squash one of the deepest and most talented presidential fields in recent times.     

 In the end, I will concede that although Trump has taken the right position on many issues, my vote for him will be cast more on hope than a guarantee.  I understand the Trump family’s wealth is directly tied to the economy and real estate so he has a vested interest in performing competently. Still, Trump is a political unknown with no track record of governance that can be examined.

At the same time, there is a known and that is Hillary Rodham Clinton.  It’s a guarantee that Hillary will load the courts with left wing, activist judges. That she will expand the size of government, push amnesty, and pursue a disastrous foreign policy. Unlike some of the martyrs in the GOP establishment, I can sleep at night voting for Trump because for all his misstatements, he never stood over the caskets of dead veterans and an ambassador, looked their families in the face, and cold heartily lied to their families about their cause of death.

Michael Henry is a New York based attorney, businessman, and consultant. He has appeared on cable news as a legal analyst. Follow him on Twitter: @MichaelHenry123


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