Wednesday, July 13, 2016

James Comey gave GOP plenty of material against Clinton, now they need to use it properly

Hillary Clinton might not be indicted for her mishandling of classified information using her private email server, but FBI Director James Comey has certainly given the GOP enough material to use against her in the general election.
That is, if they use it properly.
Comey handed the Republican Party multiple TV ads between his statement Tuesday and his congressional testimony on Thursday. All the GOP needs to do is make a short ad with all the various ways Comey called Clinton incompetent.
"Extremely careless."
"Real sloppiness."
"Not sophisticated."
Comey all but said Clinton was so incompetent — even after decades in public life — that she put state secrets at risk. It's an easy ad to make.
Already, the GOP is fumbling the ball. The news cycle on this has ended, replaced with multiple tragic shootings. Even before that, the media was able to shift focus to presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump's comments about Saddam Hussein and his insistence on keeping his "star of David" tweet in the news by continuing to talk about it.
The GOP needs to get its act together soon, and hammer the message of Clinton's incompetence home until the election if they want any chance of winning.
Also from the Washington Examiner
Ashe Schow is a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.

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