Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Deciding Moment

A Deciding Moment

by John Schroeder
The FBI’s decision simply doesn’t make sense.
He’s right, it doesn’t.  He quotes Andrew McCarthy who says:
The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant.
But in the face the such overwhelming and consequential ineptitude is it even necessary to ascribe motive of any sort?  Where I come from, you screw up that badly there are consequences regardless of motivation or intent.
Twice in the space of seven days we are confronted with the same question, “Does effort and intent matter more than outcome?”  It seems to resonate with the nation that it does.  I think there are a couple of reasons for that.  One, appeal to motive and intent prevents definitive finding thus leaving room to argue, so the commentariat and spinmiesters can go to work.  But even that is insufficient to overcome the clear filth all over Clinton hands save that appeal to motive and intent appeals to the American public. We all want to be able to make such appeals in our personal lives so we have to permit it in our leaders.
I can distinctly remember believing with all my heart my teacher should have given me an “A” on that homework.  After all I tired for hours to get it right; I certainly intended to get it right.  But the teacher politely, yet sternly, reminded me that trying really hard to calculate the stress factors on a bridge, and yet getting it wrong, would still kill the people on the bridge when it collapsed.  It wasn’t enough to try really hard – I had to get it right.  Not an easy lesson to learn, but a good one.
I mourn for our nation today and it is a deep mourning.  Something very essential is missing from our nation.  We have survived slimy weaseling politicians before.  Justice has eluded us before and we have recovered.  Corruption is far from new to us.  But right now I cannot find the spark that enabled us to overcome those prior incidents.  Even when we seemed to accept corruption in the past it was with a wink-and-a-nudge.  But I cannot find the wink or the nudge right now, just the full embrace of the horribly corrupt Democrat presidential candidate.
Am I to unlearn that good lesson I learned all those years ago?  I refuse.  I refuse not only because of the consequences of wrong outcomes on my part, but because if I do not refuse I give cover to Hillary Clinton.  The consequences of Hillary Clinton’s wrong outcomes are far more substantial than anything I have ever done in my life.
If this nation elects Hillary Clinton POTUS we will have forever sacrificed the things that make this nation great.  We will throw into the wind our standing as the world’s leading nation – a position earned with the lives of thousands of soldiers, and the efforts thousands upon thousands of citizens.  It is my prayer the nation is unwilling to sacrifice that which has been won by so much sacrifice.
This is a deciding moment for the nation.  No longer are we deciding between two very distasteful candidates; we are deciding between one very distasteful candidate and one utter failure hiding behind a claim of good intent.  One choice may cause some damage, but the other choice ends the nation as we know it.
Choose wisely America.

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