Saturday, June 16, 2012

Why is this man whining?

Why is this man whining?

by Scott Johnson in 2012 Presidential Election, Federal debt and deficit

Why is this man whining, blaming the federal budget deficit on George Bush three-and-a-half years into his term in office? He must think we’re really, really stupid. (use link to view video)

Virtually upon entering office, Obama signed off on enormous spending programs including the monumental stimulus bill. This included a $410 billion omnibus spending bill that Bush had refused to sign before he left office involving mind-boggling expansions of federal agencies such as the EEOC. More here and here.

The putative importance of deficit spending has been a doctrinal keystone of the administration. It gave us the trillion dollar stimulus program that held unemployment below 8 percent. At least it gave us the trillion dollar stimulus program. Remember, Mr. President, you didn’t want to let a crisis go to waste?

Obama’s blaming his predecessor for his own record as his term comes to a close is incredibly unbecoming. Listen to his tone in the video. The whining makes him unlikable. But it is not just the tone that is off.

His comments are ineffective. It’s too soon to rewrite history. We know he is wildly stretching the truth. It is almost to the point where, as Mary McCarthy said of Lillian Hellman, every word he says is false, including “and” and “the.”

His comments are mendacious as well, of course. As I say, we know he is wildly stretching the truth. It is not just his comments that are ineffective. His policies are as well, assuming their intent was to foster economic growth. On the contrary, they have retarded economic growth.

His comments are also demeaning to his office. This guy is president of the United States. He is whining while wildly stretching the truth. It is unbecoming when a child behaves like this, let alone a president.

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