Monday, December 14, 2009

Voters prefer "do nothing" to Obama/Pelosi/Reid care

"Do Nothing, Majority Says; ObamaCare is now almost as unpopular as it is monstrous."

This column has long been arguing that the health-care ideas Congress is considering are so bad that inaction would be vastly preferable. Fox News (,2933,579945,00.html) reports that a majority of Americans in a new poll now agree with us:

"While 41 percent of Americans want Congress to pass major health care reform legislation this year, a 54 percent majority says they would rather Congress "do nothing on health care for now," up from 48 percent who felt that way in July."

The poll finds that 57% of Americans oppose "the health care reform legislation being considered right now."

To be sure, this is Fox, which according to the White House is not a legitimate news organization because it reports the news even when it casts President Obama in a bad light. But a CNN poll found that an even bigger majority--61%--oppose the Senate's version of the ObamaCare bill.

The story on the poll ignores this, focusing instead on the finding that Democrats have only a 1% lead, 40% to 39%, when survey participants are asked which party's control of Congress would make the country better off. This is the slenderest advantage for the Dems since July 2002.

A third survey, from Public Policy Polling, found that 52% of registered voters oppose "President Obama's health care plan." On the firm's blog, PPP's Tom Jensen reports on another finding:

"Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor...."

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