Monday, January 15, 2024


ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE: Biden Admin Consulted Anti-Christian Group for ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Strategy

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Law-abiding Americans increasingly are convinced that their government views them as an enemy, perhaps even a “domestic terrorism threat.”

A newly unearthed video may confirm those fears.

Bureaucrats in numerous federal agencies apparently tag-teamed with the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that demonizes conservatives and Christians, including groups such as Alliance Defending Freedom and Moms for Liberty, in order to raise money and silence political opponents.

The federal bureaucrats reached out to the SPLC, which conservatives criticize as a far-left smear factory, as they planned to combat “the domestic terrorism threat.”

I’ve long raised the alarm about the SPLC, which gained its reputation by suing the Ku Klux Klan into bankruptcy and then weaponized that program against conservatives. Today, the center maintains a “hate map” plotting mainstream conservative and Christian groups alongside KKK chapters. It pressures the government to crack down on these groups and urges the charity and tech sectors to blacklist them.

The Video

In the fall of 2021 after President Joe Biden took office, SPLC President Margaret Huang bragged in a donor meeting that many agencies in Biden’s administration had approached the center to craft a domestic terrorism strategy.

“I think there’s no question that we are unparalleled in our abilities to track and monitor the hate and extremist groups in the country, and I can tell you that we’ve had many agencies in the new Biden administration reaching out to solicit our expertise and our knowledge and information to help shape the policies that the new administration is adopting to counter the domestic terrorism threat,” Huang said in a fundraising event video exclusively provided to The Daily Signal by an attendee who wishes to remain anonymous.

This video should send shivers down Americans’ spines.

If what Huang told donors is true, it proves what so many conservatives have suspected—their own government views them as a domestic terror threat.

Branding Conservatism ‘Hate’

As I wrote in my book “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” critics long have noted that the SPLC exaggerates the prevalence of hate with its “hate map,” scaring donors into ponying up cash and smearing ideological opponents.

In addition to truly vile groups such as the KKK, the SPLC puts nonprofit law firms that protect religious liberty, such as Alliance Defending Freedom, on the “hate map.” ADF has won numerous cases before the Supreme Court, most notably Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission and 303 Creative v. Elenis, both cases involving Christians who faced government sanction for refusing to use their art to celebrate same-sex weddings.

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s map also includes conservative Christian groups such as the Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel, and D. James Kennedy Ministries; Roman Catholic organizations such as the Ruth Institute and Remnant TV; and parental rights groups such as Moms for Liberty and Parents Defending Education.

The SPLC brands conservative Christians “hateful” for opposing its LGBTQ agenda, and it brands parental rights groups “hateful” because they oppose its education agenda.

The SPLC also puts immigration reform groups such as the Center for Immigration Studies, the Foundation on American Immigration Reform, and the Immigration Reform Law Institute on its “hate map.” The map also includes organizations that warn against the threat of radical Islam, such as the Center for Security Policy and the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

These moves align with the Biden administration’s priorities on LGBTQ activism, racial lessons in schools, lax enforcement of immigration law, and overlooking the threat of radical Islam. They also align with Biden’s rhetoric about “MAGA extremism” that “threatens the very republic.”

Indeed, the Biden administration has worked with the SPLC in the past few years.

Biden’s History With the SPLC

Biden and his team hosted SPLC leaders and staff at the White House at least 11 times since Jan. 20, 2021, and Biden nominated an SPLC attorney, Nancy Abudu, to a federal judgeship.....(rest at link)

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