Tuesday, September 26, 2023




British Home Secretary Suella Braverman is coming to Washington. At the top of her agenda is illegal immigration. She wants American help in resisting the tide of illegals that is swamping much of Western Europe as well as the U.S.:

Ahead of the visit, she said: “Illegal migration and the unprecedented mass movement of people across the globe is placing unsustainable pressures on America, the UK, and Europe.

“We must come together and ask whether the international conventions and legal frameworks designed fifty-plus years ago are fit for purpose in an age of jet travel and smartphones.”

The mention of international conventions is likely to be read as a reference to the UN Refugee Convention, which sets out the responsibilities of countries that grant asylum.

Ms Braverman added: “I’m going to Washington to discuss this crisis with our American counterparts.

“If we fail to meet these challenges, then our political institutions risk losing their democratic legitimacy.”

That is a dire warning, but she has a point. Currently, around ten percent of residents in the U.S. are illegal immigrants. If we don’t have a southern border, we don’t really have a country. And I think our government is, indeed, losing its democratic legitimacy.

Scott noted earlier the ABC/Washington Post poll that contains grim tidings for Joe Biden. I want to focus on the area where he did worst:

On handling immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, Biden’s rating is even lower, with 23% approval.

Twenty-three percent is rock bottom. Those are diehards who will at least pretend to support Democratic policies, no matter how disastrous.

Biden’s open border policy isn’t just unpopular. It also violates the Constitution and his oath of office. The most fundamental duty of the president under Article II is to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” When it comes to immigration, Biden is not faithfully executing our nation’s laws. Rather, he is deliberately flouting and nullifying them.

Which raises the question: Why won’t Biden comply with the law and close the border? By adhering to his constitutional responsibility, he would end a massively unpopular policy that, as Secretary Braverman says, threatens the democratic legitimacy of his administration. So why is he so insistent on opening the doors to millions of illegal immigrants?

I think there is only one plausible answer. I think that admitting tens of millions of illegal immigrants is a critically important part of the Democratic Party’s strategy for perpetuating its own power. There are several long-term tides that are running against the Democrats. Republicans have more children than Democrats do, and minorities that used to vote reliably Democrat are shifting toward the GOP. How can the Democrats retain their grip on power? By adding many millions of residents who, through pervasive voter fraud, will provide winning electoral margins. And their children will be able to vote legally.

I think this is the only plausible explanation of why the Biden administration insists on keeping the floodgates open, even at the potential cost of losing the 2024 presidential election.


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