Saturday, September 2, 2023

However Bad You Think the Border Mess Is—It's Worse

However Bad You Think the Border Mess Is—It's Worse

The Morning Briefing: However Bad You Think the Border Mess Is—It's Worse
AP Photo/Christian Chavez

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Cantiva was known all about town for her solo rides on a tandem bike and transcendent Jell-O molds.

I may be a couple of thousand miles away from home at the moment, but the festering hot mess at the U.S./Mexico border is never far from my mind. In fact, I’ve been asked about it once or twice on this trip.

Whenever we discuss the Biden administration’s monumental nightmare at the border it’s important to remember that they immediately got the mess in motion. President LOLEightyonemillion signed executive orders ending the construction of the border wall and strengthening Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on his first afternoon in office. Biden’s handlers couldn’t wait to begin undoing President Trump’s efforts to secure the border.

It’s truly stunning how quickly Biden was able to make the situation at the border worse than it’s ever been. Many have theorized that was the plan. Democrats have been known to deliberately create problems that they then hope to be able to take credit for fixing. It’s a flawed strategy that rarely works out, but bless their hearts, they keep trying.

Of course, Team Biden has yet to meet a problem it couldn’t make exponentially worse, and the border crisis remains Exhibit A in support of that claim.

Catherine wrote a post yesterday that has some sobering numbers in it regarding the border:

Here’s a fact the Biden administration would sure like to bury — 7,000 illegal aliens are reportedly entering the U.S. on a daily basis.

That’s from the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents Border Patrol agents. And yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s still proper to say “illegal aliens” because, you know, that’s what they are.

Things are so bad that when I first read that I thought, “That seems a little low.”

House Republicans have been putting a little pressure on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, but the guy still has a job. A big frustration of mine has always been that more Republicans don’t hammer Democrats on the border. It’s an issue that should be getting daily attention from anyone in the GOP who wants to be serious about the future of the country.

Here are some more disturbing numbers from Catherine’s post:

Border Patrol arrested a whopping 12,028 criminal illegals in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, and the criminals keep coming. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics on criminal illegals apprehended FY2023 to date (last updated Aug. 16) is 10,810 criminal illegals. There was also a 600% spike in potential “national security risk” migrants (i.e. potential terrorists) apprehended in FY2022, a total of 25,627 individuals — hence the Border Patrol Union is warning that thousands of terrorists could be entering the U.S. illegally.

With a sympathetic president in the Oval Office, the open borders crowd has created a full-blown national security crisis. This is something that most Democrats continue to pretend isn’t happening. They don’t care if the more-than-occasional murderer makes it across the border, as long as said murderer doesn’t kill anyone in their gated neighborhoods.

Katie Pavlich writes over at Townhall about the latest potential terrorist risk:

“The FBI is investigating more than a dozen Uzbek nationals allowed into the US after they sought asylum at the southern border with Mexico earlier this year, a scramble set off when US intelligence officials found that the migrants traveled with the help of a smuggler with ties to ISIS, according to multiple US officials,” CNN reports. “While the FBI says no specific ISIS plot has been identified, officials are still working to ‘identify and assess’ all of the individuals who gained entry to the United States, according to a statement from National Security Council spokesman Adrienne Watson. And they are closely scrutinizing a number of the migrants as possible criminal threats, according to two US officials.”

More than 100 suspected terrorists have been arrested at the U.S. southern border since President Joe Biden took office. It is estimated two million “gotaways” have crossed into the U.S. undetected. In May, an Afghan national on the terror watch list was arrested in San Diego.

Who had “ISIS-Friendly Smuggler” in their “What Fresh Hell Can Biden Unleash Next” office pool?

In addition to the national security crisis, Joe Biden’s humanitarian border crisis continues. The administration has never had any coherent plan to deal with people who are trying to migrate here legally, either. The Biden Democrats’ failure on border policy is utterly tragic and dangerous to any innocent players involved.

This could be said about most of the important issues facing the country right now, but there is no scenario in which the Dems’ border plans work out well for the United States of America.

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that’s by design.

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