Monday, July 24, 2023




That is actually what they call it. Catrin Wigfall lifts the lid on a program that is even worse than what you probably expect from the public schools. In this case, we are talking about Minnesota’s Department of Education, but the same thing is going on across the country.

It starts with bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo, but transitions quickly into hard-core leftism:

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is encouraging a divisive worldview through its “Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Cultural Competency” course used to train school staff on the topic. The course is also pitched as meeting the state’s cultural competency training requirement, which educators have to complete for licensure renewal.
To train school staff on this “transformative” form of SEL — which MDE notes “is aimed at redistributing power to promote social justice through increased engagement in school and civic life” — the state department’s workbook includes readings rooted in critical social justice ideology, a suggested call to action that includes “commit[ing] to returning your land,” a push for equity over equality, and a link to pedagogy created by a self-described “abolitionist educator” called “Woke Kindergarten,” to name a few.

So elementary school children are being taught to “commit to returning your land” and to prefer equity over equality. But what is this “Woke Kindergarten” that the Department of Education recommends?

According to its website, Woke Kindergarten “is a global, abolitionist early childhood ecosystem and visionary creative portal supporting children, families, educators and organizations in their commitment to abolitionist early education and pro-black and queer and trans liberation.”

“Abolitionist” means to abolish the police. That is a pretty heavy agenda to lay on five-year-olds, but the Left knows it needs to start early.

Catrin links to the Woke Kindergarten web site and to a series of 60-second videos for kindergarteners. Some of the videos are just stupid, but most are evil. Here are some examples:

It is remarkable that at least one state government, Minnesota’s, is recommending that this poisonous nonsense be inflicted on the state’s children. But the same thing is going on in many parts of the country, probably most. Tragically, our public schools have become a source of misinformation and left-wing indoctrination. We need to change them drastically, but in the meantime, anyone who can get his kids out of the public schools (or similarly politicized private schools, which most “elite” private schools are) should do so.

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