Thursday, July 20, 2023




1.  The left is thought to be soft on crime because of sympathy and compassion for people who are poor or from bad social circumstances. Today, however, large portions of the left actually approve of property crime because the left believes property crime is just a form of income redistribution. The tell on this truth is the number of leftists who say that businesses are insured, so what’s the big deal about shoplifting or looting during a riot.

2. The left does not want to solve the homeless problem in our big cities. To the contrary, many leftists want it to get worse. Why else would leftist “civil rights” groups go to court and successfully prevent cities from removing the large number of mostly drug-addicted and/or mentally ill people from the streets (as all European nations do routinely) and make them go to shelters or treatment facilities? Leftists want large numbers of homeless front and center in our cities as an indictment of capitalism. They don’t care a whit about their misery. The conventional liberals who run our big cities are happy to go along with this travesty because there’s big money to be had. Los Angeles announced it intends to spend another $1 billion on the “unhoused,” and somehow can’t connect the dots on why the number of “unhoused” keeps growing. (It also can’t seem to figure out how to get enough new housing built at any price.) It doesn’t matter: the status quo means lots of fresh dollars and patronage for the liberal “caring professionals” and useless administrators who are unfit to manage a fast food restaurant.

3. “Anti-racism” is racist. But it makes white liberals feel good about themselves, so shut up, racist! And down with capitalism, the engine of racism. (See #4 next.)

4. The solid core of environmentalism is not protecting nature, but tearing down industrial civilization. This is why environmentalists oppose technological solutions to the “climate crisis” such as nuclear power, carbon capture, or geo-engineering, that actually might work if the “climate crisis” actually happens. Proof:

Greta Thunberg: It’s time to transform the West’s oppressive and racist capitalist system

(See my article on the Unabomber Manifesto for more.)

5. The left’s professed “compassion” for the poor and the oppressed is a cover for their hatred and envy of the rich and successful. The best witness for this proposition is a guy you may remember—Barack Obama. Take in his answer to Charlie Gibson’s great question on capital gains taxes back in 2008:

Obama makes clear that he views taxes as a tool of “fairness” or “equity,” rather than as a means to raise revenue to pay for government. He’d rather punish the rich than have more revenue for a social program (or anything).

P.S. Gibson’s great question to Obama is about the only instance I can think of where a mainstream media journalists challenged a liberal in a presidential debate with a question that reflected a conservative perspective. Typically they only ask questions based on the premises of the left.

No need for a quiz: it is pretty easy to mark out the connecting thread between all five of these essential truths.

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