Sunday, June 11, 2023

The explanation as to why Democrats today are fearless in proposing insane policies


The explanation as to why Democrats today are fearless in proposing insane policies

How the change in Don Lemon in the past ten years reveals why Democrats are no longer afraid to propose insane policies
Don Lemon unwittingly reveals the Democrats’
assumed grip on power

A recent post at ZeroHedge made a big deal about how Don Lemon’s positions so drastically changed in less than a decade. As the article correctly noted, the positions Lemon took in 2013 would have had Don Lemon in 2023 label himself a white supremacist.

The video [from 2013] shows Lemon talking about what the black community should do to fix its problems, including stop littering, and encouraging kids to try harder in school. The host also extols the virtues of marriage, and warns about the problem of absent fathers, asserting “just because you can have a baby doesn’t mean you should.”

Lemon even tells young black men to stop using the N word and to pull up their pants and stop walking around with their asses hanging out looking like prison bitches.

If you dare say these things now you are called a racist and a white supremacist (no matter your skin color) exerting your white privilege. The Don Lemon of 2023 himself has done this exact thing.

What the article found most shocking however was the speed in which these things changed. As noted by this tweet:

It’s terrifying how fast society fell off the cliff

10 years ago Obama, Hillary, and Biden were defining marriage as “a man and a woman”

10 years ago Don Lemon was telling black people “pull your pants up”

10 years ago Dems only supported “safe, legal, and rare” abortions

Why? How did it become okay for Democrats and leftists to suddenly in less than a few years go from defending normal sex and marriage to supporting the genital mutilation of young children and to support cross-dressing men changing in women’s locker rooms? Why have inner city Democratic Party politicians gone from trying to arrest shoplifters in order to at least maintain a semblance of law to passing laws making illegal for any employees at a retail store from stopping shoplifting in any way, while simultaneously advocating “defunding the police” and routinely releasing murderers and criminals without charge?

How is any of this even possible in a democratic society? Shouldn’t Democrats be worried that their insane policies might be offending the vast majority of normal people who vote?

The answer lies in a false assumption most conservatives and ordinary people still have about our nation. For example, school officials at a North Hollywood elementary school have continued to relentlessly push the queer agenda on little kids, even as those officials refuse to listen to the complaints, opposition, and loud public protests of those kids’ parents.

Father of four Manuk Grigoryan was one of the parents who took to the streets with other parents to protest the school, and he said he is refusing to send his children back until he can speak directly with school officials. “They’re too young. It wasn’t about the issue of the book itself only because after the book was supposed to be read, they were supposed to turn around and have a discussion about what they just read and heard,” Grigoryan said during “Fox & Friends” Monday.

“When we want to speak with them and have these discussions, they totally ignore us, and they just don’t want to talk to us, and I’m fed up, and the school is not safe for my children,” he continued. [emphasis mine]

The Fox news article that this quote is from went into great length describing the absolute refusal of school officials to talk to the parents. In describing these protests by North Hollywood parents, Karen Townsend at HotAir concluded as follows:

It is as though the school district didn’t learn anything from what happened in Virginia in 2021. Republican Glenn Youngkin embraced the issue of parental control in schools and it ushered him into the governor’s office in a huge upset election. Democrats controlled Virginia politics and it was just assumed that Terry McAuliffe would be elected. Virginia public school parents began a movement to oust woke policies, including LGBTQ activism, out of their schools. Virginia is no longer a blue state.

Other blue states should pay attention. Parents across the country are beginning to rise up and say enough is enough. Stop propagandizing young children. It’s a topic that is over their heads until they are older. Most parents want to be the ones to teach their children about sexual matters and gender issues, they don’t want schools to take over their jobs. Those that do not listen in this environment do so at their own peril. [emphasis mine]

The problem is that Townsend, as well as most Americans, still assume that elections are real and that these corrupt Democrats can be defeated at the polls.

That assumption however is utterly wrong. Democrats might have lost in Virginia, but I am quite certain sadly that this is now the exception, not the rule. The willingness of Democrats to suddenly in only the last five years to become so passionately in favor of the worst of the queer agenda, including cutting up little kids — against their parents’ wishes — is because they are now utterly confident they can rig any election in their favor. Since Trump’s election Democrats have been honing their election tampering techniques, first tested nationally in 2020 to defeat Trump, then refined significantly in 2022 to prevent Republicans from winning a number of state elections while reducing their victories in Congress.

To the surprise of many, Republicans’ electoral expectations fizzled in the 2022 midterms. With runaway inflation, Biden’s disastrous exit from Afghanistan, and a long line of electoral precedents, Republicans should have had an historic victory. Instead, Democrats gained in the Senate despite a very favorable map for Republicans, and the GOP captured only the narrowest of margins in the House.

Despite this disappointing outcome, Republicans still won the popular vote in the midterm election by a healthy 3% margin. That should have translated into much bigger electoral gains. Instead, there was “Republican robustness in the wrong places,” in the words of New York Times election guru Nate Cohn. The conventional wisdom has been that the GOP was punished for running bad candidates in key elections. Perhaps there is something to this, but GOP candidate quality doesn’t explain everything when you consider that the new Democratic senator from Pennsylvania is literally brain damaged, and the recently elected Democratic governor of Arizona was a scandal-plagued lightweight who refused to debate, and her signature gubernatorial accomplishment has been going to war against selling tamales in a state that’s 32% Hispanic.

The more likely explanation for these results is that Democratic ballot harvesting operations have reached such heights of sophistication that they can parachute into decisive battlegrounds and scare up enough votes among ignorant and unmotivated citizens to overcome the natural enthusiasm of informed and self-motivated voters. [emphasis mine]

The Constitution: it no longer exists
The Constitution: almost gone, and fading rapidly

Democrats now believe those techniques will guarantee them victories nationwide, no matter what crazy or radical policies they put forth or advocate. In places like California and New York it won’t take much manipulation to swing an election, because Democrats know that their opposition is relatively weak anyway. In swing states however they are now confident they can produce whatever result they need, especially in areas where they have long maintained control. There will be no revolt in formerly Democratic Party strongholds, no matter how many parents decide to take a red pill and become Republican voters. And in many regions that might be shifting to the right, the Democrats will manufacture whatever votes they need to guarantee victory.

This is why the politics of the Democratic Party shifted so radically in only the last five years. They can now be honest about their beliefs, because they hold power and do not intend under any condition to relinquish it. Thus, they have no fear advocating for men in women’s locker rooms, promoting sexual perversion to little kids, and working to protect violent criminals over the needs of ordinary citizens. Not only do the Democrats still have a solid base of loyal but blind supporters, willing to back them no matter what, the Democrats know they can manufacture election victories wherever they need it, while doing whatever blacklisting is required to squelch whatever opposition that might exist.

Though we all must still go to the polls and vote, we must also recognize that we can no longer win our country back simply by voting. We will have to fight for our rights and our freedoms. A major effort must be made to clean up the election process, something Republicans have so far made little effort in doing.

And if that is not done, and soon, the fight will increasingly be on the streets, using pitchforks, bats, and guns. That is my sad but pessimistic prediction. Elections are no longer a trustworthy solution, because reliable elections no longer exist.

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