Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Don's Tuesday Column

            THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson  Red Bluff Daily News   1/04/2022

  The left started it—just go away

The issue of the moment is certainly the anniversary of the January 6, 2021, outpouring of hundreds of thousands of supporters of President Donald J. Trump to protest a dubious election outcome, as well as the last opportunity to hear from our favorite leader. Lefties, please gag.

As stated at the time, using the standard applied by the news media and commentariat class—that the previous year’s “Black Lives Matter” protests and riots were “mostly peaceful,” just “got out of hand” and a bit rowdy—the day’s events on Jan. 6 were overwhelmingly peaceful and law-abiding. More later.

It's predictable that “liberals,” or “progressives,” many socialist/Marxist at heart, give unsolicited, supposedly well-meaning advice to conservatives and Republicans. The pattern, phony to be sure, goes back as far as the Reagan era, when the smart set on the left prattled on about how Republicans could be more appealing if they were to reject President Reagan’s stridency, be more accepting of the Soviet Union and, most of all, consign those fanatical pro-lifers to the outer reaches of politics so the nation could accept the wonders of abortion.

Then, as always, liberals avoided engaging in honest debate on the merits of disputed issues. The default approach: dehumanize, “other-ize” and delegitimize those with beliefs and views incompatible with the left’s paradigms and narratives—casting out and “shunning” conservatives.

Landslide wins for Reagan barely dented their vicious rejection of the right; they simply focused on the institutions they could control—the media, higher education, the ever-increasing federal regulatory bureaucracies, the legal field and “think tanks.”

Consider Barack Obama’s path from elite legal education to the racial and economic justice movements and “community activism.” “Socialism” was rebranded as “progressivism,” with the goal of controlling the Democrat Party by the “shirt and tie” radicals who rejected bombs in favor of lawsuits and non-legislatively nudging America to the left. They had a plan and stuck to it.

President Richard Nixon had just been overwhelmingly reelected with over 60 percent of the vote, and a 49-state landslide: 97 percent of the electors. We now know from a recent book by one of the lawyers for the Republicans that Democrat lawyers unethically held onto evidence exonerating Nixon of any guilt for paying money to either break into the Watergate office of the DNC, or cover up the crime. No matter; the left won.

The point is simply that America’s leftist Democrat Party has always sought not to convince and debate in the public square, so to speak, has not sought to persuade and prevail with ideas and argument, and has not accepted it when public opinion goes against them. I cite the border, the economy, transgenderism and COVID, where majorities oppose Biden/Schumer/Pelosi policies. They just force their will; try stopping it and get called names.

This all converges in “America's Kulak Class: Horrific Prison Conditions for January 6 Republicans ‘Treated as Subhuman’ Predicted by Abe Lincoln in 1860,” (no-pasaran.blogspot.com). I’ve stated that any protester that destroyed property or assaulted law enforcement on Jan. 6 should be punished. However, the symbol of Lady Justice holding balance scales either applies to all or it applied to none. The scepter of Truth must cleave away lies about an “insurrection” with multiple dead cops.

When established policies over bail, incarceration, visitation, health and welfare—proper for accused drug dealers, child abusers and murderers—are shunted aside for the dozens, even hundreds of Trump- and America-loving prisoners, most of whom have no criminal record, it’s no longer justice. It veers dangerously close to leftist tactics in any country they take over: purge enemies.

While painful for Democrats to hear, Representatives Gohmert’s and Greene’s report on their visit to personally witness the conditions of the Jan. 6 arrestees concludes: “The congressional visit to the D.C. jail on November 4 unquestionably proved that there is a two-track justice system in the United States. This two-tiered system is not based on race, violence, or conviction of crime, but politics.”

Vile, dehumanizing, death-wish, violence-encouraging rhetoric has issued forth from Democrat progressives high and low toward Donald Trump, as part of a thinly-veiled campaign to make his supporters out to be the “Kulaks” of America. Kulaks were Ukrainian property-owning peasants whose very possession of land earned them a Stalinist Soviet policy: the “liquidation of kulaks as a class” by violence and starvation.

Jail warden Kathleen Landerkin’s tweets called Trump’s supporters “morons,” “people who conspired with the traitors,” who are worse than “foreign terrorists.” That’s the mainstream left, typified by Nancy Pelosi’s (or any Democrat’s) rhetoric that justifies not only a months-long jihad-by-committee but even provides justification for refusing to seat election-winning Republicans.

James Carville referred to Republicans as “reptiles”—he was not an aberration. Abraham Lincoln called out Southerners and Democrats in an 1860 “Cooper Union” speech: “…when you speak of us Republicans, you do so only to denounce us as reptiles or, at the best, as no better than outlaws. You will grant a hearing to pirates or murderers, but [not] to Republicans. In all your contentions with one another, each of you deems an unconditional condemnation of [Republicanism] as the first thing to be attended to.”

The leftwing columnist demands that Republicans purge Trump-ists, or simply urge them to leave—I’ll gladly return the sentiment “back atcha.” This nation cannot endure having a movement that not only wishes Trump Republicans cast out, but also condemns our history, heroes, Constitution, representative democracy—the world’s beacon of freedom, and racial and political tolerance. Please find another country that has already accomplished your goals.

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