Monday, October 25, 2021




I wrote here about Trafalgar poll data indicating that most Americans (56%) think that Joe Biden is not directing policy and agenda for “his” administration. A doughty minority of 36%, in that poll, thought that Biden was really in charge. That was in July.

Since then, things have gone badly downhill. This is the latest of many, many instances where Joe Biden clearly appears not to be in full possession of his faculties, which were never outstanding to begin with.

Today, Rasmussen asked a different, more pointed question: “How confident are you that Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States?” That is brutally clear, and the responses are not encouraging, if you are a Democrat:

Voters increasingly doubt that President Joe Biden is capable of performing the duties of his office, and a majority of voters believe others are running the show behind the scenes.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 27% of Likely U.S. Voters are Very Confident that Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States. Another 14% say they are Somewhat Confident in Biden’s capability, while eight percent (8%) are Not Very Confident and 50% are Not At All Confident. Voter confidence in Biden’s ability has declined since August.

This is really extraordinary. It is one thing to approve or disapprove of a politician’s performance, but this tells us that only 41% of voters are even “somewhat” confident in Joe Biden’s ability to discharge is duties as president–not to do them well, but to do them at all. While 58% lack confidence that Biden is “physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States,” with 50% “not at all confident.”

I doubt that we have ever seen numbers like these. Joe Biden is a pathetic shell of his former unimpressive self, and most Americans understand that fact, despite a concerted media effort to pretend that all is normal in the “Biden administration.” This is a problem that can only get worse for the Democrats. Biden’s condition is not going to improve, and more and more Americans will understand in the months to come that there is no one at the wheel.

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