Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Don's Tuesday Column

           THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson  Red Bluff Daily News   10/25/2021

The “zeros” add up to America’s ruin

Is there anything government doesn’t ruin? Short answer, “No,” if it’s the federal government. The economy, employment, military, education, medicine—all ruined because they know we are powerless to challenge and undo what they’ve blithely, maliciously done.

If you’ve bemoaned the “woke”-inspired “banning” of normal things, welcome the apparent return of the “ok” sign—forefinger and thumb making a circle with the other fingers in the air—if it means “zero” and is held in front of your eye. President-ish Biden used that gesture to emphasize the cost-free multi-trillion dollar “Build Back (Broker),” so-called “human infrastructure,” bill.

Using his mock-worthy, gravelly whisper for dramatic effect, Biden said it'll cost “zero”…”zero”…”zero.” Well, yes if you add another nine “zeros” with a 3.5 or 5 (or a number of Nancy Pelosi’s choice) in front of those dozen “zeros.”

In Biden’s diminished, obviously infirm mind, taking trillions (the Democrat left may “settle” for less) from “the wealthy” is “cost free”; remember, much of the world sees our middle-class as “wealthy.” The actual sources that will provide said trillions (over years like a car payment to make it seem smaller): 1) Raise tax rates on “the rich” and corporations, because “plucking the most feathers before the bird cries out” will get it (not);

2) Stealthily spread the tax hikes over all businesses which will then be made to look “greedy” when they raise prices because…they won’t be able to lower labor costs; 3) Let current taxes and fees float higher while deficits explode from expanded “benefits,” which Democrats know soft-headed and -hearted Republicans will be loathe to cut, lest recipients of others people’s money turn into “mostly peaceful” rioters, arsonists and murderers;

4) The most despicable tactic will ultimately be allowing inflation to exact its brutal, inexorable erosion of the purchasing power of the (mostly poorer) masses. Since it will be called cruel and heartless to not adjust benefit checks for said inflation, and since endless deficits cannot be allowed, steps 1, 2, and 3 will still be needed. Inflation of 10-20+ percent per year still ensues; review paragraph one.

A related note: from 2013 to 2019, MacDonald’s went from 35,429 to 38,695 locations, grew profits by 10 percent, but cut over half their workers (440,000 to 205,000). Of course, it’s due to wage hikes. Kids—that used to get entry-level jobs for a few bucks an hour because they weren’t worth more—gain nothing by being unemployed, learning “zero” job skills, with a “zero” paycheck and “zero” job advancement. Biden’s “zeros.”

Biden wants: “zero” border walls, but gets a $455,000 “fence” around his $2 million beachfront home; “zero” restrictions on illegal aliens, but limits Afghan allies fearing for their lives for helping American military (400 Americans are still shamefully abandoned there); and “zero” tolerance for vaccination mandate resistance by health, military and law enforcement workers (Question: Let them go? “Yes,” Biden said in his townhall).

We’re vaccinated due to age; I’ll get a booster due to C.O.P.D (breathing disorder). Vaccine efficacy diminishes over time; those who’ve had the infection have 3x better immunity (Yale study); religious exemptions are valid. 99% of healthy adults, and nearly all school-age kids, have little risk of serious illness or death. Mandates won’t eliminate the Wuhan flu; they will eliminate America as a free, vital nation.

Vaccine and mask mandates have little to do with public health and all to do with control. USA “serious, critical” cases have dropped to less than 2 out of 1,000; new infections have dropped from 165k to 68k per day while deaths have dropped from 1,972 to 1,364 (7-day avg). CA is under 5,000 new cases and under 100 deaths per day—not a crisis.

Biden’s lost more approval than any president, by saying bonehead whoppers like “freedom” from mandates is “a political issue”: “I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID.” Government has, at most levels, ruined its own legitimacy and credibility by insisting that we believe things that are obviously not true.

They said: the virus didn’t come from a lab in Wuhan, China; masks are ineffectual, then mandatory and now essential even if vaccinated; the virus spreads outdoors; they won’t mandate the vaccinations (Biden, Pelosi, Psaki, et al); “lockdowns” and “stay home” orders were needed (they still won’t admit that that bit of fallacious policy was a mistake); COVID statistics under Trump were all his fault—now, obey “heckuva job, Joey” Biden.

Alec Baldwin is a despicable, loathsome person for whom I have “zero” sympathy. I’ll never forget his appearance on Conan O’Brien’s show during the Clinton impeachment. He screamed, frothed, stood up and gesticulated about having returned from Africa where people like Republican Henry Hyde and his family would have been taken into the street and stoned. Sick. Places that don’t have “accidental” shooting injuries and deaths—gun ranges.

The late Colin Powell was wrongly held (even by himself) culpable for misinforming the United Nations about WMDs in Iraq. A bipartisan Congress included the same assurances from the CIA among 23 reasons to wage the second Iraq War. Some Democrats insisted on revoting so they could be on record supporting the war.

I’ll set the record straight over Mr. Minch’s claim that I wanted homeless people to be given a “one-way-ticket out of town” (in his July 9 “I Say” piece). I never said that; if he had that quote he would have used it but, like CNN, leftists believe it’s ok to “misrepresent” us on the right if they think we deserve to be condemned.

Congratulations, California, on having the worst unemployment rate in the nation.

People protesting Dave Chapelle’s stand-up comedy should look up the “inoffensive, family-friendly” material of Red Foxx, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Don Rickles.

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