Friday, September 17, 2021




The era of covid hysteria has been clarifying in some respects. We have learned that a great many “liberals” are in fact proto-fascists who derive an unseemly satisfaction from bossing the rest of us around through “emergency” decrees–a classic fascist tactic, especially when the alleged emergency is a respiratory virus with something like a 99.8% survival rate.

On CNN, one Leana Wen baldly set out the Left’s agenda for the rest of us: don’t leave home unless you have submitted to our demand for vaccination! There are crackpots everywhere, but Wen’s extremism comes from a place of great privilege:

Leana Wen is a visiting professor of health policy and management at George Washington University, a Washington Post columnist, the former president of Planned Parenthood, and a medical analyst for CNN.

Wen’s theory is that Joe Biden’s unconstitutional executive decree mandating vaccinations does not go far enough:

“We need to start looking at the choice to remain unvaccinated the same as we look at driving while intoxicated,” she told CNN’s Chris Cuomo Thursday night. “You have the option to not get vaccinated if you want, but then you can’t go out in public.”

Other than that, though, you are perfectly to make your own decisions about your own body!

Wen elaborated that society has an “obligation to prevent” the unvaccinated from leaving their homes and infecting others, in the same way that society has an obligation to deter drunk drivers.

“The vaccinated should not have to pay the price for the so-called choices…

So-called choices! We see the totalitarian mask coming off.

…of the unvaccinated anymore,” she continued.

As we and others have pointed out countless times, the unvaccinated pose no risk to the vaccinated if the vaccines actually work, as I believe they do. On the other hand, if the vaccines don’t work, then government obviously has no business trying to make people get them. Proto-fascists like Wen, Joe Biden and numerous governors make no attempt to explain the contradiction inherent in their current campaign to demonize the unvaccinated. That is typical of fascists: they don’t explain, they issue orders.

“I think we really need to make it clear that there are privileges associated with being an American,” said Wen.

Like the privilege of not being subjected to unconstitutional executive orders. Or wait–maybe that isn’t a privilege, but a right.

“If you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated. Travel, and having the right to travel interstate—it’s not a constitutional right as far as I know, to board a plane….If you want to stay unvaccinated, that’s your choice, but if you want to travel, you better go get vaccinated.”

Actually, the Supreme Court has long recognized a constitutional right to travel among the states. That pesky Constitution keeps getting in the way of our fascists Democrats! But given that Wen doesn’t think you should be permitted to leave your house, her further proposed ban on interstate travel is more or less moot.

Somewhere in America there may still be a few actual liberals. (Many would point out, of course, that American conservatives are in fact liberals in the classical sense.) But where are they? The last year and a half of covid opportunism has revealed that what we conventionally call liberals are, with perhaps a few exceptions, would-be fascists who will seize even the most feeble pretext to start issuing orders to the rest of us. Up to and including orders not to leave our houses without their permission, as Ms. Wen urged and, to name just one example, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz did.

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