Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Don's Tuesday Column

        THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson  Red Bluff Daily News   9/21/2021

America’s soul is worth fighting for

A “recall” post script is warranted. As are good, bad and ugly updates on the Wuhan Flu (COVID-19). Also, note the ongoing hostage situation and newly disclosed testimony that President-ish Joe Biden (football game chants: *Bleep* Joe Biden) ignored sound military advice on Afghanistan.

First, it should be a no-brainer for County Supervisors to express the will of constituents by adopting a resolution opposing vaccine mandates on the state or federal level. While carrying little weight against higher powers, it’s right and mandates are wrong. Again, vaccines are a good intermediate step to effective control of the “novel coronavirus,” or SARS-CoV-2, while widespread “herd immunity” is achieved.

However, persuasion—not top-down, one-size-fits-all dictates—is the way free people are respectfully treated. Courts are invalidating vaccine mandates; history will judge such despotic overreach harshly, considering the misleading, partial truths and politicized medical science involved. No local authorities should favor depriving someone of their job, their income or livelihood for refusing the “jab.”

Anecdotal indications are that the lopsided statewide pro-Newsom vote (local vote: 2 to 1 for his recall) has many people and businesses realizing they’ll no longer be retaining their freedom and economic viability in a state dominated by elite progressives and their ignorant minions. See “California Businesses Exiting Faster Than Ever,” by John Seiler, Aug. 25.

Roughly 650,000 (mostly middle class) Californians leave every year, replaced by, I guess, Silicon Valley-bound tech hotshots, wannabe movie stars (“hooray for Hollywood”), and illegal aliens going everywhere.

“Gavin Newsom Named U-Haul Salesperson of the Year” (Babylon Bee spoof) quoted fictional Western Regional Director, Fennick Buggstein: “We are deeply grateful to Gavin for our success in 2021. The only problem now is that we’re all out of trucks. And no one is willing to drive a U-Haul back to California. And I’m leaving with my family as well. So, I guess this is it! Bye everyone!”

We should be assured—now that His Hair-Style-ness has seen the groundswell of the displeased—problems will fade away: 1) A $1trilliion public unfunded liabilities debt from pensions and retiree medical care; 2) A school system that scores 48th on national tests—teachers’ union opposition to school choice, merit pay for the best teachers, or any other reforms wins again;

3) Record high tax burden; 4) A crumbling infrastructure, pothole-ridden roads, and the High-Speed Rail boondoggle; 5) Punishingly high housing prices—California Environmental Quality Act restricting construction? Fine. Destroy single-family zoning? Check; 6) Enviro/green fantasies raise prices;

7) The very unions—AFCME, SEIU, et al—whose self-aggrandizing grip makes more and more businesses flee the state will now only get stronger. (credit to “Newsom Recall Aftermath,” John Seiler, 9/17)

“It's Starting to Seem Like the Pandemic Is a Problem the Biden Administration Doesn't Really Want to Solve,” may seem counterintuitive, since Biden promised beating the coronavirus and giving America back pre-pandemic normalcy. He also promised the world “return to normal” relations—not happnin’. The Wuhan Flu is still morphing, infecting and killing—260,000 deaths since Jan. 20.

After all, COVID gave them mail-in vote fraud. Every lefty Democrat knows fraud happened, they just don’t want to admit it threw the election in some swing states. Enter the diabolical Marxist/Alinsky-ite tactic: divide a populace; set the divided classes against each other; and identify those most aligned with traditional values and freedom. Race, or vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, serves the purpose: “isolate, depersonalize, demonize and punish.”

Our traditionally “just the facts” news media have morphed into partisan fear-mongers over the Wuhan Flu. They’ve delivered a year and a half of panic porn, body counts, selectively overrun ICUs and “be afraid, very afraid” of the unmasked, the unvaccinated and entire states differentiated only by the “R” next to their governor.

Some unchanged facts: Those dying “from” the Wuhan Flu are perhaps half the reported deaths “with the flu,” people who die from other internal diseases, vehicular accidents, gunshot wounds, etc. The perverse incentive is financial benefit to medical interests. Mostly, the over-70 have died; the rest of us could have lived like they have in Sweden: no masks, no lockdowns, full school attendance, but protect and heal the elderly.

All three vaccines were chastised by many Democrats and thought leaders—only because they were suspicious of “Operation Warp Speed,” President Trump’s innovative, emergency “clear the roadblocks” strategy. Now, they are delivered manna from medical heaven and not to be refused. The emerging reality is that they deliver partial-not-complete immunity, better than being unvaccinated but not as effectively immunizing as even asymptomatic infections.

“Fauci reconsideration of natural immunity used against Michigan State COVID vaccine mandate—The ‘CDC appears to have embarked on the beginning of a journey toward recognizing the scientific fact of naturally acquired immunity,’ argues a brief in legal challenge to the university's policy,” by Greg Piper, justthenews.com.

Therapeutics that had doctor-prescribed efficacy in the past—hydroxychloroquine+, ivermectin (the formulation for humans, not horses), Remdesivir and dexamethasone (used by Trump last year)—have been condemned and ridiculed rather than analyzed and debated. Vaccine deaths and side effects (worse than COVID for boys in England) are dismissed only because they undermine the death-like political grip of the COVID/vaccine-ocracy upon powerless health, government, military and private-sector employees.

Now, Biden’s agencies step in to restrict the distribution of life-saving monoclonal antibody treatments in Republican states under fallacious “equity” reasoning. People’s lives mean nothing to these politically motivated hacks when they can reward or punish according to partisan whim. Biden to Republicans: “Drop dead.”

“We Are in a War for America’s Soul,” by Michele R. Weslander Quaid—not an overstatement.

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