Monday, September 14, 2020

Just When You Think Things Cannot Get Any Uglier

Just When You Think Things Cannot Get Any Uglier

The other day, a church friend on Facebook put up an anti-Trump post that wasn’t really about Trump, it simply called Trump voters names.  I thought we had reached a nadir of sorts.  People that I go to church with every Sunday publicly calling Trump voters names is simply something I never thought I would ever see.
… if you want to ensure that Americans don’t trust a vaccine, and that vaccination proceeds along partisan lines, statements such as Harris’s are how you do it.
You get that?  The Democrat VP candidate is working to politicize the vaccine!  That is enough to make you weep.
We’ve all read the stories about how empty Manhattan is.  Well, that’s not the only place.  Just this morning, I drove from the far north edge of Glendale, California to the heart of Buena Park, California – a distance of roughly 30 miles – at the heart of morning rush hour in 35 minutes.  That probably sounds reasonable to most of you, but to a long-time SoCal resident like myself that is simply frightening.  The drive I just described should take two hours.  Normally one would drive 18-20 miles out of their way to cut the drive time down to roughly an hour, and plan the drive anytime but rush hour.  But not during covid, now we can drive it at normal highway speed.  By SoCal standards that is as empty as Manhattan.  The lost economic activity that lack of traffic represents (heck fuel sales alone!) is terrifying.
I realize life is far more “normal” most places than in the large urban areas of the nation, but you have to realize, even if you are fortunate enough not to be in one of those urban areas, that we are in a most precarious place right now, walking an extremely fine line between dying by disease and killing the economy which will in turn kill us.
So this is where our politics are right now, Christians insulting each other over how they vote and candidates for national office working to build distrust in the ultimate solution to the enormous crisis that currently confronts the nation for the sake of their own political gain.  Everything from your livelihood to simple Christian courtesy is now sacrificed on the alter of politics – everything.
The media love this situation.  Cheap to produce and lucrative to show.
The politicians egos just keep getting larger.  Consider the outsized sense of self-regard that is required to sow seeds of doubt about the vaccine for the sake on one’s candidacy.  That is not self-esteem, that’s pathological.
But we keep playing along.  My friend’s insults were a share, not original.  My friend’s filter clearly wasn’t working well.    Harris has gotten exactly what she wanted – attention, lots and lots of attention.  And we have given it to her.  The media is happy with all of it – they are selling ads and getting eyeballs and clicks.  Everybody is happy because we are buying into this huge pile of garbage.
We have to stop.  We have made partisan politics more important that dealing with the virus.  We have sacrificed Christian fellowship at the altar of T.D.S.  We are the only ones that can reverse this trend.  Turn off the TV.  Set your phone aside, not for minutes, for hours.  Do something productive.  For the sake of your soul…

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