Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Don's Tuesday Column

         THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson    Red Bluff Daily News   4/14/2020
The Indisputable, Irrefutable Truth

Caveat: To the progressive Trump-deranged, Trump-hating left, everything is disputable and refutable; truth is what they agree on, not what Trump-supporting Republicans believe, facts aside. And that’s the truth. As an unapologetic Trump-supporting Republican, I’ve seen that Indisputable, Irrefutable Truth—I-I-Truth—has invariably shown that President Trump’s controversies have sorted out to his benefit.

This last weekend saw revelations over the original “Trump colluded with Russia to cheat Hillary Clinton out the presidency” narrative—the “casus belli” of the Mueller investigation. It was also the original justification for the certainty—by the Democrat/media complex—of impeachment and removal of Donald J. Trump, correcting the “mistake” of the 2016 election.

After the fantasy impeachment of VP Pence, they really dreamed of President Nancy Pelosi. She’d be a real Wu-flu winner now, with Democrat wish list items—mail in ballots, jet engine carbon limits, racial/gender quotas—jammed into rescue bills.

 “While you were focused on the pandemic, it was revealed the FBI knew the Steele Dossier against Trump contained Russian disinformation. Rather than colluding with the Russians, which the Mueller Report conclusively rejected, Trump was the victim of a Russian disinformation campaign exploited and promoted by Democrats, the media, and the FBI,” by William A. Jacobson (Legalinsurrection.com, 4/11).

As I wrote: The Indisputable, Irrefutable Truth was evident to many of us on the right from the beginning, now confirmed by the DOJ Inspector General’s report on the FBI Trump campaign investigation.

“Trump was the target of a Russian disinformation” operation using Russian sources to feed salacious falsehoods to British ex-spy Christopher Steele.  His “dossier,” paid for by the Clinton campaign, was knowingly farmed out (by the FBI with likely acquiesce by Barack Obama) to anti-Trump media and Democrat enemies of Trump. Obama’s role is speculative but based on real emails referring to his being updated on the plot.

That I-I-Truth was partly confirmed when Mueller found “no collusion,” conspiracy or coordination by Trump et al with Russians; the recent revelations come courtesy of “unredacted” parts of the DOJ I.G. report. “The FBI knew at least no later than 2017 that much of the dossier was Russian disinformation” (Jacobson). See also: “It’s Official: Every Aspect of Crossfire Hurricane Was Shady,” (D. Harsanyi, 4/9)

Hence, the disingenuousness of anti-Trump writers, like Mr. Micek and Mr. Polman, that occupied the left side of this page. Once the finality of the Mueller report became evident, and such leftwing hacks never acknowledged that they were wrong, I ceased reading their propaganda.

That goes for anyone else writing to impugn President Trump. Honestly, any Trump critic who cannot bring themselves to admit the I-I-Truth of the hoax that Hillary’s campaign, Steele’s dossier, FBI conspirators, complicit news media and Congressional Democrats perpetuated on this nation—deserves no intellectual or ideological respect.

Which brings us to the Big Lie that “Trump called the coronavirus a Democrat hoax,” in Mr. Stellar’s and Mr. Statham’s columns, refuted in this column, and now proclaimed as the truth about Trump by a partisan local writer, saying that my sources are lying.

I mean no ill will or personal disrespect but none other than the Washington Post’s “fact checker” Glenn Kessler (a left leaning checker of “facts” that favors Democrats) called it a “four Pinocchio” falsehood when Democrat Joe Biden used “Trump said coronavirus was a hoax” in an ad. Left-leaning fact-checker “Snopes.com,” wrote that “Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.” Snopes nonetheless showed their bias by saying Trump was “creating some confusion with his remarks.”

 Here is the full quote from Trump’s rally in South Carolina: “Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs, you say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue; they don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t count their votes! One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over. They’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.’”

If you read closely (I did), there are no less than 120 words between “coronavirus” and “hoax”: “They’re politicizing it,” they can’t “count their votes in Iowa,” “Russia, Russia, Russia,” “impeachment hoax,” “they lost, it’s all turning…this is their new hoax.” Not the Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus. I don’t know why anti-Trump leftists refuse to admit when they are factually wrong; just reread my first sentence above. Unfortunately, no one changes their mind on anything, hardly ever.

The current Big Lie is that President Trump was late, dragged his feet and ignored experts at the onset of the Wu-flu. Read “Bill Maher defends calling coronavirus ‘Chinese virus’” by Jon Levine, NYPost.com. “‘What if people hear Chinese virus and blame China?’ The answer is we should blame China. We can’t afford the luxury anymore of non-judginess towards a country with habits that kill millions of people,” Maher thundered Friday in a monologue at the end of his HBO show “Real Time.”

I see a nation, not a race, of a billion people under the dictatorial thumb of 90 million members of the Chinese Communist Party, that covered up the outbreak in Wuhan, China, and insisted well into February that there was no “human to human” transmission. The World Health Organization echoed that propaganda.

Dr. Fauci also discounted the threat on January 21 and 26, saying Americans “have nothing to fear.” Trump had already ordered screening of travelers from China; he closed our borders to flights and passengers from China on Jan. 31, against the advice of “experts.” WHO was wrong; Fauci underestimated the threat; Trump was right. More next week.

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