Friday, April 3, 2020

CBS Gives Itself a Black Eye w/ #FakeNews UPDATED

CBS Gives Itself a Black Eye w/ #FakeNews UPDATED

CBS Gives Itself a Black Eye w/ #FakeNews UPDATED
CBS has some ‘splaining to do. They’ve been caught using a clip of video of a crowded hospital ward during a report on the New York’s coronavirus emergency. However, the clip is from Italy.

Sky News had this report on March 22nd.
They rush past wards already rammed with beds all filled with people in terrible distress – gasping for air, clutching at their chests and at tubes pumping oxygen into their oxygen-starved lungs.
I’m in the main hospital in Bergamo, the hardest-hit hospital in Italy in the hardest-hit town in the hardest-hit province, Lombardy – and it’s just plain scary.
The video is startling and the article includes screenshots from the embedded video.
Here’s CBS’s own video. I’ve cued it up just before the Italian clinic clip (1:20 mark) being used to add gravitus to Cuomo’s desk pounding about needing more ventilators.

Look familiar?
Here’s some screenshots to make the comparison clear.
CBS fake news
click on image for larger size
Marco Rubio was excoriated by our firefighter journalists for this tweet —
I’d say CBS has certainly contributed to the truth Rubio dared to express. Certainly our Pravda media has been willing to carry water for the CCP, too.
Any wonder the public trust in journalists is tanking? Heck of a job, CBS!!
Here’s some unsolicited advice to our Brave Sir Robin journalists. Either seek help for the mental issues you have with this President or quit. Any rational media outlet would not just be reporting just the updates on the Wuhan coronavirus but the effects of the lockdown on the economy. Where are the stories covering struggling small businesses and if they are going to survive? The human interest stories of people working from home? Columns of advice on how to save money and how to make money from home during the lockdown?
I haven’t seen any of this. I’d say “shame on you” but …
“The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns… They literally know nothing.” ~~ Ben Rhodes
… so I won’t hold my breath.
Why yes, double checking one’s video clips and their source before using them is just soooooo hard nowadays. And it’s just going to be shoved down a blackhole and forgotten. Move on, peasants.
UPDATE II: Welcome Instapundit readers!

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