Tuesday, October 29, 2019



In his lifetime in politics, Joe Biden has always had a tenuous connection to reality. As he has gotten elderly, that connection has weakened further. While politicians in general are not famed for veracity, Biden’s pronouncements–especially about himself, a topic on which you might expect him to be an authority–are uniquely likely to be false.
Joe Biden has been accused of lying about his claim that he met with ‘every family’ who lost a child in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.
JT Lewis, whose six-year-old brother Jesse was one of the 26 people killed in the Connecticut mass shooting, eviscerated the 2020 hopeful for making the claim in a new video released earlier this week.
In that clip, Biden promised to do more to bring about gun control and stated: ‘What really got to me, really firsthand, was what happened up at Sandy Hook. I think I met with every one of the parents, and/ or the families of those who were lost.’
However, Lewis hit back on Twitter on Wednesday, writing: ‘This is a lie. Obama came to Sandy Hook and met with every family. Joe Biden DID NOT. In fact, my family was not allowed on Air Force One because we refused to support Obama/Biden gun control efforts.’
Lewis has also pointed out that Biden is so out of touch that he thought he was vice president when the Parkland shootings happened. Lewis concludes:
Lewis then bluntly added: ‘Joe Biden is either a liar or he’s losing his mind.’
I think that is a fair assessment of Joe Biden’s current mental state. Actually, I think both are true: Biden is a heedless liar, and his mental faculties, such as they ever were, are also slipping away. This is why the Democrats are pursuing their ridiculous impeachment charade. Joe Biden is their front-runner, despite everything, and there is no way he will make it to the finish line. Yet they don’t have a plausible alternative. So they have sent Adam Schiff on a kamikaze mission to try to destroy President Trump so that whatever hopeless candidate they eventually nominate will have a fighting chance.

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