Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Heartless People Are Attacking “Poor Joe Biden”

Heartless People Are Attacking “Poor Joe Biden”
Heartless People Are Attacking “Poor Joe Biden”
There seems to be a new spin on the Ukraine controversy surrounding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Reporters and talk show hosts are coming to the defense of the 2020 Presidential hopeful and asking viewers to stop being heartless and attacking “poor Joe” and his family.
Hunter Biden has come under quite a bit of scrutiny over the past few days:

The View‘s Joy Behar came to the Biden family’s defense yesterday morning:
Don’t you think politically it’s dumb for the Republicans to go after Joe Biden’s son when he lost a son and daughter and wife?” I mean, people feel sorry for Joe! And it’s not him. He didn’t do a thing. Basically it boils down to nepotism and Trump’s got his whole family working in the White House! If you want to talk about nepotism!”-Joy Behar
Mazie Hirono:
(Trump) he’s going after Joe and his family for political purposes and I’ll stand with Joe against any president who acts that way.”-Mazie Hirono
MSNBC’s Chris Jansing:
(To Rick Tyler): Could this help Joe Biden? I thought the picture, for example, they put out there of him watching his only remaining child, living child being trashed, frankly by the President of the United States, can be effective, in addition to being true.”-Chris Jansing
Democrats have rallied together to “Stand with Joe”. Has the Biden family seen their share of tragedy? Sure. But what family on earth has not? Let’s give a quick debriefing on Hunter Biden, shall we?
Hunter Biden. The man who got sprung from the Navy due to a nasty, little cocaine habit. Once Vice President of MBNA bank, one of Joe Biden’s largest campaign donors. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Hunter Biden, of the private-equity firm, Rosemont Seneca partners, where he established business connections with Russian and China. Hunter Biden, the man who had an affair with his brother’s widow and went out on crack-induced benders. Trump did not need to cast any scandal on Hunter Biden or Joe Biden. The Bidens walked into all of this dysfunction on their own.
Now that Hunter Biden has been thrown into the mix, sympathizers are asking people to have mercy on the Biden family. To call scrutiny to the man or his father is heartless. They, collectively, have suffered so many losses and disappointments. “Poor Joe”, says Joy Behar. People (AKA Trump supporters) are heartless and trashing his only living son! (Never us mind that Hunter Biden happens to sound a bit like a spoiled, trashy dirtbag.) Poor greasy, hair-sniffing Joe who got the Ukranian prosecutor fired and bragged about it! Nope, Biden did not know a thing or “do anything”. That Joe Biden has been through some severe heartbreak, let me tell you. The Trump “Trolls” are now pointing the fingers at Hunter Biden to ruin Joe Biden’s life, apparently. The funny thing is, this whole whistleblower attempt started as a ploy to go after Trump and ended up bringing up bigger questions about the Bidens. Would humanity be so kind to us for unethical dealings and unscrupulous decisions? Is humanity, in general, kind to our children? We are, however, supposed to ignore this. Why? Because it is heartless to attack Joe Biden’s only living son. These boot-licking loons on our screens have been pushed into the deep!
The harsh reality of being in the political arena is the scrutiny that comes with the territory to which Trump is not immune. Joe Biden and his offspring are also not immune to this scrutiny. Joe Biden may not have done a “thing”, according to Ms. Behar but the fact of the matter remains that his son did do something. Part of being in the political forefront, as tragic as it may be when you have a dud middle son like Hunter who causes you grief, means having to answer for your kids, sadly. Joe should not be excused from or exempt from having to do this. Was Trump wrong to try to get to the bottom of this? Or are some of the masses wrong for questioning a Biden during such a polarized political climate when the democrats are so close to impeachment proceedings? We will continue to watch the manipulation and the tap-dancing, the heartless people that we are.

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