Saturday, June 8, 2019

Offense like Trump, not defense

1. It seems like many people on the right do not understand the concept of a political battle. The left understands it. That is why when they lose a battle, they just regroup and try again and again and again until they win.
2. The left lost the political battle for gun control decades ago. Yet, they are still out there trying to push their gun grabbing ways after every shooting. They are still trying to get businesses to stop doing business with gun sellers and/or pro 2nd amendment people.
3. It's unrelenting not just on the gun issue but every issue. Due to this constant pressure the right has fallen into a defender role to conserve the status quo so to speak. It's easy to understand how this defender role came about but it's harder to change from defense.
4. A good defense is important; but it hardly ever wins a war, especially against a foe that never gives up. Sooner or later the defense breaks and the enemy rolls over the walls. Always defending also leads to doom and gloom among the defenders.
5. I tweeted yesterday about the Rush show's constant doom& gloom. This is what I meant. Rush does a great job of defending. He chops up the left's narratives like a food processor. He defends the conservative principles very well. He defeats their talking points.
6. He gives people the ammo to continue the defense. However, it's always a defense. The fake media starts the offensive with their narratives and Rush defends against the attack. As I've said, a needed ability but it doesn't advance the battle to simply defeat their offensives.
7. Enter President Trump. He doesn't defend; he attacks in the political battle. When he is attacked he doesn't just sit back and defend, he counter attacks.. He attacks then attacks again and again and again. He starts offensives, he doesn't defend against them.
8. This the difference in the political battle we have seen for the last 3 years. Many of those that have been defenders for decades can't seem to understand what offense means. They are still set in defensive mode. Let's use immigration as an example.
9. Since the campaign, Trump has been on offense irt illegal and legal immigration. He made it a central issue of his campaign, he laid out a offensive that included a crack down on illegal immigration, a wall, a change in the refugee program, increased deportation, daca....
10. ...DAPA, anchor babies, visa lottery, chain migration, secure borders and other positions. From the election through the transition and 2+years in office he has continued the offensive. He signed the travel ban, reduced refugees, got rid of DAPA, increased deportations...
11. ...started the wall, Sought to change the laws, gave more power to ICE, changed foreign policy and foreign aid, tried a zero tolerance policy, sent the military to the border, issued an Emergency EO, and on and on.
12. During this time the left has been on the defensive. They have been able to deflect some, stall others, and stop still others but at no time has Trump stopped attacking them on this issue. Trump has had some great victories on this issue like the travel ban, refugee program.
13. He has been denied at times like the wall funding, the failure to have congress change the laws. He has faced counter attacks like the caravans and court orders; but no matter the outcome he continues to attack. His latest is tariffs on Mexico.
14. Those that want open borders and mass immigration will counter attack the tariffs if able. This is what a political battle looks like. You have some people on the right who see the lack of progress and think nothing is being done. They continue to think in pre Trump times...
15. defensive terms. Trump is advancing on this issue. The wall is being built, granted not as fast as it would without constant opposition but it's being built, refugee program ia basically shut down, illegal immigration was down big in 2017 and half 2018 now its
16. .....increasing as the open borders forces counter attack. Trump has counter attacked with an EO and tariffs. The battle goes on and only one person who is on offense on this issue and that's Trump.
17. It's important for the right to get into the offensive mode to reclaim lost ground, to put the left on the defensive on issue after issue and to increase our economy and standard of living.
18. Some people are understanding it. For instance, the pro-life groups are on the offensive getting common sense bills passed at the state level. AG Barr is on the offensive now. Trump's trade team is on the offensive while others like the NRA are still on the defensive.
19. With 2020 fast approaching, it's imperative that we understand this is what a political battle looks like. It's important that we go on the offensive but it's also important to remember in a political battle since you have a major opposition that even if victorious....
20. the song Trump plays at the end of every rally says: you may not get everything you want but if you try real hard you will get what you need.

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